Monday, September 30, 2024

A Reflection on Reflecting


the state or fact of lasting for only a limited period of time.

"No thing lasts , no thing can give you peace or happiness"

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

- W. Shakespeare , Julius Ceasar


  • All those years ago the pilgrim sauntered on the beach at midnight

accompanied by a colleague who was stressed about changes residing just 

over the horizon that might turn his human experience upside down.

Pointing to the magnificent star and planet coated canopy the pilgrim

posed a question, "Look at that universe - stars and planets being

born while others evaporate or are blasted by wayward asteroids 

into millions of pieces and scientists propose that all of that

continues to expand seemingly without control or influence-

do you think that we are also of that universe?"

All the colleague could conjure was a small simple smile 

of acknowledgement .  

  • Sometimes we are surprised when a person passes from this
journey to the next and we somehow discover how their spirits influenced,

consoled and  inspired us with help navigating our own passage 

to the unknown sea.


The Writing:

A Reflection On Reflecting

A spirit on a common Camino cautioned the cavalier

wondering wandering one "Remember to remember."

With that exhortation a fading flicker was fueled

and the reflection disguised as contemplation

echoed selected incidents and allegations almost long forgot.

Was the brain working overtime on false memories

or were they incomplete pieces to a greater imagined puzzle?

Though as clear as the brilliant sky a flash burned brightly

from yesteryears yesterdays. The first recollection

flowed like a river to the sea.

A story told of how Mother Teresa was interviewed 

by a struggling photo journalist who noticed the aged nun

was holding a recently poor malnourished ill newly born infant

cradled in her arms as the nun made the beds in the children's

ward. "Why are you holding the baby?", the journalist asked

seeking a story. Mother Teresa explained how the baby suffered

from a fatal disease and she did not have a family and

 would not probably make it through the end of the day.

.Mother Teresa went on how she wanted t

o have the baby feel and know love

and that this sweet innocent soul was never alone.

Puzzled the journalist added "Then why are you making the

beds at the same time."

The nun looked at the woman explaining that making

the beds was her job and that she could do both -

give love and compassion while working .

The photo journalist's husband was so impressed

with the story about Mother and the baby that he

volunteered to stay and work for Mother Teresa's congregation.

The nun counseled the man to return to America, where he lived.

She added that she met so many people in America who were

lonely. She implored the husband to seek out the lonely souls

and let them know love and compassion...and that they 

are never alone.

The pilgrim pondered "when will I ever learn?"

- JF Sobecki
Poetry and such:

David Whyte - Finisterre and Camino
( two poems within a brief talk- click on link)

If I could Tell you - WH Auden

Music : For your listening pleasure and inspiration

Falling at Your Feet - U2 and Daniel Lanois
( click on the link)

When I was Younger - Bonny Light Horseman
Click the link

That's the Way it Goes - G. Harrison
click the link

Memory Lane - V. Morrison
click the link

Coda: And they continue to move on . 
Yet, their music lives on.

please click the links

All Things Must Pass - G. Harrison (RIP)

You're Only Lonely - JD Souther (RIP)

Sunday Morning Coming Down - K. Kristofferson (RIP)

When Will I Ever Learn - V. Morrison


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Labor Day Reflection : Gratitude


"It is not who I'm underneath but what I do that defines me"

 - Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)

"I am what I am and that's all that I am"

- Popeye

"It all turns out well.How?I don't know. It's a mystery."

- Shakespeare in Love (movie)

The Inspiration:

How is it that just when one needs a lifting up something happens

completely by surprise? No plan or strategic moves could ever 

predict or anticipate a mystical magical embrace by the universe

as if to say , "Don't worry , no need to be perfect , just be your

authentic self, be selfless , generous and let go being present to the now.

You are good. You're ok ." 

Pilgrims wonder and wander. Somehow every so often a recollection 

of a grace-filled experience is re-ignited . That ineffable incident from

that solitudinal passage seems to have a life

of it's own emerging from the deepest darkest secret soul

at a time when a light is needed .

Just like that the spirit is immersed back in that memorable moment,

Abundant consolation , the transcendental reunion washes over

 the spirit as if the occasion is a sacred resurrection.

A Labor Day Reflection: Gratitude

In the hour of not quite dawn the pilgrim

stood solo in the queue in the most empty cavern 

of the post modern airport. A man and a woman busied themselves

with paperwork with a just waking solo ticket agent.

The unusual looking glasses on the male could not hide

his identity. A giant in his field of work this 5'6" singer

was recognized by the pilgrim.

The pilgrim cautiously and quietly moved his lips

as he caught the eye of this celebrity carrying his baggage.

"Bono?", his lips queried.

The found out passenger nodded affirmative.

Without hesitation and remaining completely still

the pilgrim found the courage to speak aloud,

"Thank you for the 'Beautiful Day'."

Without another breath and in a heartbeat the stranger 

moved carefully and deliberately to the pilgrim

reaching out his hand and spoke " And , thank you for all you do."

Stunned and speechless the pilgrim nodded his head in acknowledgement .

Just like that the three departed on their way.

The pilgrim returned his focus to the reason for his journey that day.

Within a few hours he found himself sitting on a beach in paradise.

Suddenly a file folder filled with a powerpoint presentation

flopped spilling onto his lap. 

Startled the pilgrim looking up sees the that the tosser

was a CEO he was meet later that day.

The sunbathing pilgrim began to flip the pages of the presentation.

He made a suggestion or two that was received with gratitude

from the stressed lonely man at the top.

The tired executive leaned closer to the pilgrim

reaching out his hand , "Thank you for all you do."

Taken back the pilgrim realizes

it was the second time in eight hours 

he was humbled with the same words and wondered

"Have I done the same for others.?"

- JF Sobecki 


Poetry and such as it relates to work and what we do.

(Many say poems are to be heard)

Click the links

What work is - P. Levine

Shirt - R. Pinsky


The music for reflection

Click on links

Beautiful Day - U2

The Man at The Top - B. Springsteen

Coda : A thank you for all those who work, want to work, retired from work,

          the poets, writers, musicians and artists any creation using their talents 

          as their work and all those...can no longer work. 

     Kind and Generous - N. Merchant

Ooh La La - The Faces

It's Still Alright - N. Rateliff

(This blog's author retired from formal work a few years ago and contemplated

and still thinks about what he did and how.)

" So here I will end my story ( work).

If it is done well , that is what I desired, if it is poorly done and mediocre, 

it was the best I could do."

2 Maccabees 14 :37-38


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pacem. In Terris pt 3 / What Matters - the Art of Rediscovery

 "To objectify spirituality , to  make it the object of "study" 

is almost equally absurd : it is the very well spring of all

valid art, culture, science and all humanly valid political 

and economic structures."

- Frederick Franck

"Make your work your payer and your prayer your work."

- Pope John XXIII

"Art is neither a profession , nor a hobby,

It is a way of being."

- Frederick Franck 

The Inspiration:

It was 16 years ago today that sergeant taught the waiting desperado 

to play. "Courage", the "sarge" said. He added a story about an infamous humble

neighbor of his who listened to a deeper calling .That neighbor, a trained

oral surgeon, who assisted Albert Schweitzer on an African mission,

would become a. famous philosopher - artist and the only

lay person and artist invited by a Pope John XXIII to be 

invited to the inner sanctum of the Vatican Council . 

The result  of the council was the publishing of

the encyclical " Pacem In Terris." The dentist/artist/bridge-builder

philospher became so inspired he wrote 

about the journey and observations while creating a 

non profit transreligious ( any sacred philosophy or consideration that leads to

love, peace and a relationship with the holiness ) without desire for harm,

the subjugation and control of others,

space created for reflection and peace, "Pacem In Terris."

It is a living museum of nature and art for promoting peace,

contemplation and meditations.

The desperado recently rediscovered books 

authored by Franck gifted to 

him by his sergeant. Suddenly the words , ideas and pictures

began to flourish - 

a new life , rekindling the flame.

The Writing:

Pacem In Terris pt 3/ What Matters- The Art of Rediscovery

Surmising and suppositions speculate the purpose of everything.

Do oceans exist for their own benefit?

What of the streams and rivers who disappear as they

converge with the lakes and the majestic oceans of mercy?

Do they care?

Are the blackbirds and their feathered family friends

aware of how their sweet songs deliver serenity

for all ears who dare to hear?

Why do artists paint? How can the sculptors

squeeze a most realistic presentation out of

solid hardened blocks of stone?

Many poets and authors mysteriously 

capture right words consoling lost pilgrim souls.

And the mystical music maker somehow rediscovers the 

the essence of tranquility and , when needed,

lifting up spirits to dance and wipe away tears.

Maybe the mystics , priests and monks need to retreat 

or retire to some isolated sanctuary for a few centuries

as many of their vocation often get out of control

or lost seemingly incapable of

herding the sheep down the right path.

It seems it is time to sing a new song.

- JF Sobecki



The Bell and The Blackbird (excerpt)

The Sound

of a bell

still reverberating

or a blackbird


from a corner

of a


Asking you

to wake

into this life

or inviting you


to one that waits.

Either way

takes courage,

either way wants you

to be nothing

but that self at all,

wants. you to walk

to the place

where you fund

you already know

how to give

every last thing


- David Whyte


A few pieces for your consideration and contemplation:

Click on links - below the picture

The Maker - D. Lanois

Change Myself - T. Rundgren

U2- Peace on Earth

Give Me Love ( Peace) - G. Harrison


Some additional info for your contemplation:

The Art Of Being Human - Frederick Franck( Interview

Words of Buddha "Let Your Love Flow" : Chant

Think it's Going to Rain Today - R. Newman

40 - U2 ( Live at The Sphere)

Note Bene:

(150 million people are homeless worldwide,

1 in 10 , 828 million people , in world suffer from hunger,

8 million die annually from lack of quality health care,

100's of thousands die from organized violence (war)

worldwide annually,

infant mortality worldwide remains about 2 million/year and 

120 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of persecution,

conflict , violence or human rights violations.

A tragedy is that the world has the resources and technology

to end all of this with compassion.)


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Monday, July 1, 2024

Impermanence and the Eternal Now

"(Schopenhauer suggests)Just as you have met those in your life by 
chance became agents of the structure of your life, so you have 
become an agent to help
in the structuring of the lives of others....
.... follow your bliss - there is something inside you 
that knows if you are on the beam or
when your off the beam ... 
('this moment now is the heavenly moment')"
    - J.Campbell

 "If a problem is fixable, if the situations is such that
 you can do something about
there is no need to worry. If the problem is not fixable ,then there is
no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worry at all."
- Dalai Lama

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"
      - John lennon

The Inspiration:

So, there the pilgrim pirate stood as the plan he had conjured
seemed to be ready to have the specified grains of multi-colored
sand fall into place into a yet to be designed great mystical Mandala.
Before he could exhale a sacred wind swept in dispersing the sand
in the blink of an eye changing everything
He was stuck in the moment.
Slowly the reality of his attachment evaporated.
The voice of his master sherpa echoed in the distance
" Not to decide is to decide.All things change, you know "
The pilgrim chose to be awake to the present and let go.

The Writing:

Impermanence and the Eternal Now

The words loop into an infinite mantra,
"Let it be simple and let it be ."
There is no need to choose between Simon of Cyrene,
Dismas or even Trina's caterpillar.
Mary wrote that the final instruction
from Buddha was "Make yourself a light."
Students of Siddartha suggest that the teacher's
last word was simple - "Care." 
Do any of the discrepancies really matter in the end?
Does not the universe experience
the comings and goings of every star?
Does the recent trimmed blade of grass
refuse to grow again?
Do trees mourn autumn
or over-celebrate spring?
Whatever this moment is -
Whatever state you are in -
Mindfulness , presence and being 
the authentic compassionate creation 
is what matters -  isn't it?
- JF Sobecki


"Poetry is the window to the soul"

"For us there is only the trying. The rest is not our business."
 - T.S. Eliot

"Poetry is an act peace. Peace goes into the making of a poet
as flower goes into the making of bread."
 - P. Neruda

 O Me! O Life!

Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring
Of the endless trains of the faithless of cities fill'd with
   rage foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more
   foolish than I , and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light , of the objects mean,
   of the struggle ever renew'd ,
Of the poor results of all , of all the plodding and sordid
   crowds I see around,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest
   me intertwined.
The question , O me! so sad recurring---What good
   amid these , O me O life?

That you are here ---that life exists and identity
That the powerful play goes on, and you may
   contribute a verse.

- W. Whitman


Did you ever hear a song or musical piece that seems
to speak to you and the light becomes more than you ever imagined
and for that moment you find peace?

Be Here Now - G. Harrison

My Cousin Caterpillar - Incredible String Band

Across the Universe - The Beatles


Some additional pieces or grains sand to consider:

The Eternal Principle - J. Campbell

Eternity is The Ever Present Now

One more - Just Because

The Rescue Blues - R. Adams


Copyright 2024 - All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Walk of Life : A Revival

 Meliorism -

a   (noun) /'melya,rizam/ :

the belief that we can contribute to positive change

and improve the world through acts of love,

creativity , compassion and kindness


a person who is magnetically drawn to the ocean

because of its calming and healing nature

The Inspiration:

There was that time when the youthful prodigal pilgrim

was asked to write about an aspirational future.

He saw himself as a cowboy or truck driver. 

He believed that either. path would take him to the 

open road and see things he never dreamed

he would see and meet other interesting pilgrims 

on their own Camino.

Somehow the constructs and promises that 

attachments would fulfill

every fiber of his being got him off track 

from the sanctified passageway . 

Then without warning a perfect storm

almost imploded everything.

Suddenly the seas calmed and a great light

illuminated his spirit and the dream of 

going with the flow by just  "being" returned

and the revival was born again.

The Writing:

The Walk of Life : A Revival

A baby's first breath leads to cries of freedom

as  growing anxiety is mitigated by the comfort , consolation

and nurturing of unconditional love.

Exploration , inquisitiveness and unbridled imagination

rue the hours, days months and years.

Almost emancipated the now child is confronted

by constructs and controls that lock step his spirit

to abiding to the constraints and barriers.

The flock of companion seeking sheep are also led by the assurance

of security and serenity while winning some type of brass ring ,

a reward for staying on the insisted path 

perpetually promulgated by the lords of the manor.

The Taoist type dream of accommodating the universe's rhythm,

riding with the great river's flow dissipated.

Without anticipation or expectation while

in the deepest silence and stillness,

"Forget your perfect offering",

a great light has found its way 

through Cohen's crack in everything.

"The bells ring that still can ring again."

Just like that the flame that proclaimed the perpetual traveler's

initial arrival it is rekindled and a mystical  revival blossoms.

The authentic cosmic essence returns.

He is free once more

on the precipice - his true self reborn,  he sings .

- JF Sobecki


Poetry and such:

Sometimes - Dr. Gilchrist ( David Whyte )

The Open Road - W. Whitman

A Seeming Stillness - D. Whyte

Anthem - Leonard Cohen


For your visual and listening pleasure.

The Walk of Life - Dire Straits

A New Morning - Bob Dylan

Nowhere to Hide - Trampled by Turtles

Born Again - Tyler Childers

Sing To the Mountain - Elephant Revival

Some music to contemplate the light :

If I Needed You - Emmylou Harris?Don Williams ( T. Van Zandt)

Earth Song - F. Tickle

Ten Thousand Words - Avett Brothers


I am humbled and grateful to announce that an essay I have written
has been published in South Jersey's premier arts and culture magazine 
"Breaker" - Issue Nineteen May - Nov 2024.



    I have come to believe Einstein was right when he said 
"Coincidences are God's way of remaking anonymous. Once the spirit 
 is awakened to that possibility , everything can change....

    Great truths can revel themselves in coincidental places, at unusual times.
    Watching this past April's full Worm Moon led me to recall 
a significant conversation, under the last harvest Moon , with a dear 
Quaker friend from Philadelphia. We spoke ofd life and purpose, 
and I revealed I had admired Quakers from a distance.

     I live just minutes from a historic wooden building situated at 
the very center of Tuckerton , long known as a Quaker meeting house.
When she asked me " Have you ever stopped by ?" I was embarrassed 
to admit I hadn't.

    "I was never invited ," I heard myself tell her.
    "Well, I invite you," my dear Quaker friend smiled.

"You know the Quakers say 'All Are Welcome'.".....

[ for more info visit or message me for
the complete essay through comments below.]

* Thank you to my inadvertent sherpas -  for 
helping me see the cracks and experience the light again . 


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Continuing Contemplations on Cosmic Coincidences Part 2

The Inspiration:
What is it that  plants a secret seed
that is quietly nourished with love
as it begins to flourish
becoming what one is intended to be?
Sometimes it is just a wink of the universe

allowing you to let go - recognizing this is not a coincidence or accident.

The Writing:

The Continuing Contemplations on Cosmic Coincidences P 2
(in gratitude to a friend and JDS's Catcher)

Waiting desperados benefit from mystical interventions
if they open the doors that have been placed before them
or trust in the mystical hickory wind that fuels the flame
quietly burning within waiting to be gifted somehow
someday , somewhere by someone or some thing.
Who is really ever awake and completely mindful,
letting go and trusting that what is , the answer and
the sacred grail , the serenity and what is 
one's true essence and purpose? 

Who would have surmised that fateful moment
when a member of a the refugee's entourage
slipped him a brown paper bag...
with a torn covered dog eared volume
carefully and securely wrapped in newspaper.
This book filled with, what would become ,
the sacred seeds influencing everything
the vagabond pilgrim would become.

Anyways , there was that black robed phony pedagogue,
playing the part of the unwilling catalyst,
catching the youthful  outlaw reading his new treasure
as this teacher attempted to communicate
what makes literature great, applying
the infamous scale of Dr. J. Evans Prichard ,PH.D.
for understanding poetry to literature.
The silent postulants dutifully scribbled illegible notes
as the second tier inquisitor wrestled the book
from the lost boy believing 
the youthful soul would be rescued
from the fires of eternal inferno. 
As the last school bell rang louder than
the aged cathedral  down the road ,
the book returned by the teacher instructing
the lost young man to
"Find a good book to read." 

The young desperado's
deliberate forever formation finally
opened his spirit to accepting
how his journey was an attempt 
to become a "catcher" saving 
cliff jumping children of all sizes and ages.
A teacher , counselor , consultant , coach ,
spiritual guide , part time poet and writer
were a few roles where he immersed 
what would become his authentic self.
Who knew? Who would have guessed
that book's pages would flourish like an Easter flower?

The oft absent minded seeker would never give
a second thought to sitting down 
scribbling ideas and thought dreams
in spiral notebooks. Some of the words
took the shape of what he labeled poems.
There were letters upon letters unsent
to a friends, a lover and ghosts .
"I'll be locked away if anyone discovers these
notebooks and journals ," he worried, but kept writing
because he could . The worry evaporated
about concern for acceptance .
He would write because he could.

However, this perpetual iconoclast concern
continued  about 
"telling anybody anything" afraid he
might start missing everybody.

"It's worth the risk...isn't it?", he reflected.

Illuminations arrive when they choose,
at the least expected time - don't they?
On the new dawn for a new day a metamorphosis 
blossomed that last day of a class in literature,
with the pilgrim now as teacher, as he
caught the eye of a wandering apprentice
standing with folded hands as if in prayer
 over his heart  - smiling.

- JF Sobecki 


Poems and such:

"Poetry is an act of peace.
Peace goes into the making of a poet
as flour goes into the making of bread."

- Pablo Neruda

"Dear Whit (W.Burnett),
So to answer your question you asked years ago.
Yes, I am willing to write the rest of my life
and get nothing in return.
Sincerely yours, JD Salinger"


"Geese appear high over us, pass and the sky closes.
Abandon, as in love or sleep , holds them to their
way, clear in the ancient faith: what we need is here. 
And we pray , not for new earth or heaven, but to be 
quiet in heart , and in eye, clear. 
What we need is here,"

- Wendell Berry

As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and
bread for the eater
so is my word that goes out from my mouth
it will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

IS 55: 10 - 11

"We have a choice of two identities: the
external mask which seems to be real ...and
the hidden , inner person who seems to us to
be nothing, but who can give hinself
externally to the truth which he subsists,,,

A tree gives glory to the divine by being a tree. For
in being what the Divine means it to be it is obeying 
( the Divine). It 'consents',so to speak, to
(the Divine's) creative love. It is expressing
an idea this is in the Divine and which
is not distinct from the Divine essence, and therefore
a tree imitates the divine by being a tree."

 - Thomas Merton,  New Seeds on Contemplation

Understanding Poetry (?) - Dead Poets Society

The Music:

For your listening pleasure and reflection:

( What is that incident , event , person , place , book 
poem , movie or song that quietly planted a secret seed that,
in retrospect , has inspired
and guided you on your journey ?) 

Free As A Bird - The Beatles

Love Rescue Me - U2 ( Dylan and U2)

Desperado - L. Ronstadt ( Frey/Henley)

Last of My Kind - Jason Isabel

Hello In There - John Prine


Something for personal reflection

Southside of Heaven - Ryan Bingham

Before The Deluge - J. Browne

Salinger - The Documentary

Rebel In The Rye - (Salinger movie)

Beautiful Day - U2 ( 2023 Songs of Surrender)


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC