Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Walk of Life : A Revival

 Meliorism -

a   (noun) /'melya,rizam/ :

the belief that we can contribute to positive change

and improve the world through acts of love,

creativity , compassion and kindness


a person who is magnetically drawn to the ocean

because of its calming and healing nature

The Inspiration:

There was that time when the youthful prodigal pilgrim

was asked to write about an aspirational future.

He saw himself as a cowboy or truck driver. 

He believed that either. path would take him to the 

open road and see things he never dreamed

he would see and meet other interesting pilgrims 

on their own Camino.

Somehow the constructs and promises that 

attachments would fulfill

every fiber of his being got him off track 

from the sanctified passageway . 

Then without warning a perfect storm

almost imploded everything.

Suddenly the seas calmed and a great light

illuminated his spirit and the dream of 

going with the flow by just  "being" returned

and the revival was born again.

The Writing:

The Walk of Life : A Revival

A baby's first breath leads to cries of freedom

as  growing anxiety is mitigated by the comfort , consolation

and nurturing of unconditional love.

Exploration , inquisitiveness and unbridled imagination

rue the hours, days months and years.

Almost emancipated the now child is confronted

by constructs and controls that lock step his spirit

to abiding to the constraints and barriers.

The flock of companion seeking sheep are also led by the assurance

of security and serenity while winning some type of brass ring ,

a reward for staying on the insisted path 

perpetually promulgated by the lords of the manor.

The Taoist type dream of accommodating the universe's rhythm,

riding with the great river's flow dissipated.

Without anticipation or expectation while

in the deepest silence and stillness,

"Forget your perfect offering",

a great light has found its way 

through Cohen's crack in everything.

"The bells ring that still can ring again."

Just like that the flame that proclaimed the perpetual traveler's

initial arrival it is rekindled and a mystical  revival blossoms.

The authentic cosmic essence returns.

He is free once more

on the precipice - his true self reborn,  he sings .

- JF Sobecki


Poetry and such:

Sometimes - Dr. Gilchrist ( David Whyte )

The Open Road - W. Whitman

A Seeming Stillness - D. Whyte

Anthem - Leonard Cohen


For your visual and listening pleasure.

The Walk of Life - Dire Straits

A New Morning - Bob Dylan

Nowhere to Hide - Trampled by Turtles

Born Again - Tyler Childers

Sing To the Mountain - Elephant Revival

Some music to contemplate the light :

If I Needed You - Emmylou Harris?Don Williams ( T. Van Zandt)

Earth Song - F. Tickle

Ten Thousand Words - Avett Brothers


I am humbled and grateful to announce that an essay I have written
has been published in South Jersey's premier arts and culture magazine 
"Breaker" - Issue Nineteen May - Nov 2024.



    I have come to believe Einstein was right when he said 
"Coincidences are God's way of remaking anonymous. Once the spirit 
 is awakened to that possibility , everything can change....

    Great truths can revel themselves in coincidental places, at unusual times.
    Watching this past April's full Worm Moon led me to recall 
a significant conversation, under the last harvest Moon , with a dear 
Quaker friend from Philadelphia. We spoke ofd life and purpose, 
and I revealed I had admired Quakers from a distance.

     I live just minutes from a historic wooden building situated at 
the very center of Tuckerton , long known as a Quaker meeting house.
When she asked me " Have you ever stopped by ?" I was embarrassed 
to admit I hadn't.

    "I was never invited ," I heard myself tell her.
    "Well, I invite you," my dear Quaker friend smiled.

"You know the Quakers say 'All Are Welcome'.".....

[ for more info visit or message me for
the complete essay through comments below.]

* Thank you to my inadvertent sherpas -  for 
helping me see the cracks and experience the light again . 


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC