Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pacem. In Terris pt 3 / What Matters - the Art of Rediscovery

 "To objectify spirituality , to  make it the object of "study" 

is almost equally absurd : it is the very well spring of all

valid art, culture, science and all humanly valid political 

and economic structures."

- Frederick Franck

"Make your work your payer and your prayer your work."

- Pope John XXIII

"Art is neither a profession , nor a hobby,

It is a way of being."

- Frederick Franck 

The Inspiration:

It was 16 years ago today that sergeant taught the waiting desperado 

to play. "Courage", the "sarge" said. He added a story about an infamous humble

neighbor of his who listened to a deeper calling .That neighbor, a trained

oral surgeon, who assisted Albert Schweitzer on an African mission,

would become a. famous philosopher - artist and the only

lay person and artist invited by a Pope John XXIII to be 

invited to the inner sanctum of the Vatican Council . 

The result  of the council was the publishing of

the encyclical " Pacem In Terris." The dentist/artist/bridge-builder

philospher became so inspired he wrote 

about the journey and observations while creating a 

non profit transreligious ( any sacred philosophy or consideration that leads to

love, peace and a relationship with the holiness ) without desire for harm,

the subjugation and control of others,

space created for reflection and peace, "Pacem In Terris."

It is a living museum of nature and art for promoting peace,

contemplation and meditations.

The desperado recently rediscovered books 

authored by Franck gifted to 

him by his sergeant. Suddenly the words , ideas and pictures

began to flourish - 

a new life , rekindling the flame.

The Writing:

Pacem In Terris pt 3/ What Matters- The Art of Rediscovery

Surmising and suppositions speculate the purpose of everything.

Do oceans exist for their own benefit?

What of the streams and rivers who disappear as they

converge with the lakes and the majestic oceans of mercy?

Do they care?

Are the blackbirds and their feathered family friends

aware of how their sweet songs deliver serenity

for all ears who dare to hear?

Why do artists paint? How can the sculptors

squeeze a most realistic presentation out of

solid hardened blocks of stone?

Many poets and authors mysteriously 

capture right words consoling lost pilgrim souls.

And the mystical music maker somehow rediscovers the 

the essence of tranquility and , when needed,

lifting up spirits to dance and wipe away tears.

Maybe the mystics , priests and monks need to retreat 

or retire to some isolated sanctuary for a few centuries

as many of their vocation often get out of control

or lost seemingly incapable of

herding the sheep down the right path.

It seems it is time to sing a new song.

- JF Sobecki



The Bell and The Blackbird (excerpt)

The Sound

of a bell

still reverberating

or a blackbird


from a corner

of a


Asking you

to wake

into this life

or inviting you


to one that waits.

Either way

takes courage,

either way wants you

to be nothing

but that self at all,

wants. you to walk

to the place

where you fund

you already know

how to give

every last thing


- David Whyte


A few pieces for your consideration and contemplation:

Click on links - below the picture

The Maker - D. Lanois

Change Myself - T. Rundgren

U2- Peace on Earth

Give Me Love ( Peace) - G. Harrison


Some additional info for your contemplation:

The Art Of Being Human - Frederick Franck( Interview

Words of Buddha "Let Your Love Flow" : Chant

Think it's Going to Rain Today - R. Newman

40 - U2 ( Live at The Sphere)

Note Bene:

(150 million people are homeless worldwide,

1 in 10 , 828 million people , in world suffer from hunger,

8 million die annually from lack of quality health care,

100's of thousands die from organized violence (war)

worldwide annually,

infant mortality worldwide remains about 2 million/year and 

120 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of persecution,

conflict , violence or human rights violations.

A tragedy is that the world has the resources and technology

to end all of this with compassion.)


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