Thursday, February 1, 2024

Surrender: 27,740 Days


"All spiritual maturity is about 

letting go."

 - Richard Rohr

"You admire the man who 

pushes his way

 to the top in any walk of life,

while we admire one who 

abandons his ego."

Seven Years in Tibet . H. Harrier

"The spiritual journey is non- denominational."

 - a Jesuit priest


 During certain times of the year the public 

submits to 

an avalanche of college and professional athletic 

"playoffs." Winning is everything!

Winners receive the honor , rewards and crowns 

of olive leaves.Losers are left in the cold

with crowns of thorns.

The global culture promotes hard work 

and success with awards and recognition and 

those who qualify are adored regardless

of their integrity and morality. Chapels and 

cathedrals honor the divine mystery

promoted by the self made witch doctors dictating 

dogma, canons and dance steps

for pillaged pilgrims to subscribe to without questions. 

Confused, one potential pilgrim lost as to what candle 

to light and what course to chart hears that

whispering wind lifts a voice from ancient theater 

where a player could be heard

"You don't choose a life. You live it."


The Writing:

Surrender : 27,740 days

Almost 27,740 days on the worn out 

overcrowded Camino,

the seeker carried collected maps and 

books by mystics

and soothsayers charting the course

to discover the great promised treasure.

How many revolutions on the great circle

does it take before an anxious meandering

Bedouin wakes up to the truth 

about his passage?

Scholars say that Homer's Odyssey 

was a fable about the search 

for one's soul. Disguised teachers dressed 

in sherpas rags lift the baggage carried 

by pirate pilgrims and just like that 

a great burden weight evaporates. 

Why didn't the solo seeker learn from 

Bosch's "Death of the Miser"

or from his part-time partner who 

practiced at emulating

the actions of Richard Cory 

who lived on the hill?

It was that old salt who 

anchored in a lost cove

while mentoring the seeker secretly on

all things of the great sea, 

Including the ins and outs of 

sailing by rigorously

having the seeker practice the art of 

letting go of the tiller

when confronting rolling rough waters.

The vessel somehow rights herself 

as she heads into the wind.

Some imperfect learners are slower 

in letting go of their worldly attachments , 

their desire for control, 

... refusing to surrender ,

 but somehow they remain completely loved .

- JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

"Poetry is a gateway into intuitive 


It knocks on the doors

 of the heart and the heart opens" 

 - Mirabai Starr

"Poetry is an Act of Peace . 

Peace goes into the making of a poet

as flour goes into the making of bread."

- Pablo Neruda

When you are Old - WB Yeats 

( read C. Murphy)

My Wish - R W Emerson

The Music:
Seasons of Love - Rent

I Release Control - A. Rose

Pacing the Cage - B. Cockburn
Music Videos for Meditation 
For Readers:

Random Prompts:

Another Story- The Head and The Heart 

Ten thousand Words - Avett Brothers

Death of the Miser - H Bosch
What is happening here?
Who is this miser?

"No thing can bring one total peace."
- Hindhu Saying

"Everything that we preach is what we
 need to hear."
         - Bono

"One day I will find the right words , 
and they will be simple."
- Jack Kerouac

"The most important thing is not why we 
write but how we write.
Write dangerously , Beckett.." 
- James Joyce ( From the new biopic on 
S. Beckett " Dance First."


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved 
JF Sobecki LLC


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