Monday, September 30, 2024

A Reflection on Reflecting


the state or fact of lasting for only a limited period of time.

"No thing lasts , no thing can give you peace or happiness"

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

- W. Shakespeare , Julius Ceasar


  • All those years ago the pilgrim sauntered on the beach at midnight

accompanied by a colleague who was stressed about changes residing just 

over the horizon that might turn his human experience upside down.

Pointing to the magnificent star and planet coated canopy the pilgrim

posed a question, "Look at that universe - stars and planets being

born while others evaporate or are blasted by wayward asteroids 

into millions of pieces and scientists propose that all of that

continues to expand seemingly without control or influence-

do you think that we are also of that universe?"

All the colleague could conjure was a small simple smile 

of acknowledgement .  

  • Sometimes we are surprised when a person passes from this
journey to the next and we somehow discover how their spirits influenced,

consoled and  inspired us with help navigating our own passage 

to the unknown sea.


The Writing:

A Reflection On Reflecting

A spirit on a common Camino cautioned the cavalier

wondering wandering one "Remember to remember."

With that exhortation a fading flicker was fueled

and the reflection disguised as contemplation

echoed selected incidents and allegations almost long forgot.

Was the brain working overtime on false memories

or were they incomplete pieces to a greater imagined puzzle?

Though as clear as the brilliant sky a flash burned brightly

from yesteryears yesterdays. The first recollection

flowed like a river to the sea.

A story told of how Mother Teresa was interviewed 

by a struggling photo journalist who noticed the aged nun

was holding a recently poor malnourished ill newly born infant

cradled in her arms as the nun made the beds in the children's

ward. "Why are you holding the baby?", the journalist asked

seeking a story. Mother Teresa explained how the baby suffered

from a fatal disease and she did not have a family and

 would not probably make it through the end of the day.

.Mother Teresa went on how she wanted t

o have the baby feel and know love

and that this sweet innocent soul was never alone.

Puzzled the journalist added "Then why are you making the

beds at the same time."

The nun looked at the woman explaining that making

the beds was her job and that she could do both -

give love and compassion while working .

The photo journalist's husband was so impressed

with the story about Mother and the baby that he

volunteered to stay and work for Mother Teresa's congregation.

The nun counseled the man to return to America, where he lived.

She added that she met so many people in America who were

lonely. She implored the husband to seek out the lonely souls

and let them know love and compassion...and that they 

are never alone.

The pilgrim pondered "when will I ever learn?"

- JF Sobecki
Poetry and such:

David Whyte - Finisterre and Camino
( two poems within a brief talk- click on link)

If I could Tell you - WH Auden

Music : For your listening pleasure and inspiration

Falling at Your Feet - U2 and Daniel Lanois
( click on the link)

When I was Younger - Bonny Light Horseman
Click the link

That's the Way it Goes - G. Harrison
click the link

Memory Lane - V. Morrison
click the link

Coda: And they continue to move on . 
Yet, their music lives on.

please click the links

All Things Must Pass - G. Harrison (RIP)

You're Only Lonely - JD Souther (RIP)

Sunday Morning Coming Down - K. Kristofferson (RIP)

When Will I Ever Learn - V. Morrison


Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

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