Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Musing : On a Long Night's Journey into Day

Oftentimes flying in formation looks as though everything is under control and safe. Appearances can be deceiving.  A great gathering saw some leaving, some going, while others were already gone. Some were filled with anticipation and some writing songs about what they experienced. This is Mecca for troubadours who were searching for great grace on God’s stage only found a honky tonk as consolation for their gifts. They were departing almost satisfied. The deluge that washed away hopes and dreams had become just a great watermark on broken hearts.

Wearied vacationers delighted in memories captured in smart phones. One too many Opry nights, Broadway club karaoke’s, and constant dining on bar b q’d Predators with retired Titans had filled them up. Yet the once forever homebodies finally grabbed all the cash from underneath their mattresses and anticipated a great Aloha celebration of their first escape from these Crockett hills into the islands of the sun.

Prodded and probed the herd was religiously obedient. The reflection of the setting sun on the Berry Field windows proclaimed an end and a beginning. Worried wrinkled suited warriors of promised abundant commerce contrived efforts to close last minute sales and file overdue reports using every technology at hand. Commenced sheep-skinned Commodores readied to be catapulted to conquer anything in their next phase as their parents’ depleted bank accounts saw no future in plastics.

Snorting young Turkish tigers pace their cage never being one’s who could be in one place for long. There are lambs to slaughter in the temple and bull markets to conquer. Starched faded desert fatigued Rangers knew the true love of a brother and use any distraction to comfort them in their own reality. A simple Corona and Patron, another and then another for one solitudinal soldier. He was already halfway home. A complacent accidental pilgrim once filled with worry let go and offered this hero in waiting his meal. “No thank you, sir”

Sometimes rain is a just perfect to wash away the grime and sins of a journey. Sometimes the rain builds into storms changing plans for everyone. Birds naturally intuit the prospect of uncontrollable wind and rain accented with charged bolts and immediately secure shelter ceasing their flight plans. It takes humans with their state of the art technology a little longer to catch up with nature.

One hour soon became two, two became three, three to four and four became five. The words and ideas of that pilgrim’s good book were not making a connection either and the mp3 faded leaving him to practice breathing. “Eventually” he thought. He hoped. Déjà vu for the half million mile frequent flyer. He was stuck inside of Nashville with the Jersey blues again. The second chance dance had not quite transformed the history of impatience and anxiety. The major disappointment for he and his new laconic warrior companion was that sign that read “Bar closed.”

Sharing a power source for their gadgets the two were being charged up as the Coronas completed their passage.  In a state of half alertness and dazedness the respectful Spartan - in - Training requested the pilgrim to be a sentinel for his baggage when the voice of the travel gods began to echo news.

Finally the echoing messages became crystal clear for the diverse nomads – 

(Nature 1– Flying Machines  -0)

and the most dreaded message of all
 “will the following passengers see a gate agent.”

Great expectations for something wonderful waiting at the end of this leg of the journeys began to evaporate. Children wailed, big puffing pinstripers pointedly predicted punitive measures as a way of making note of their perceived self-importance, consoling moms said “Maybe another day” and good Christians proclaimed that the vacation denied was not meant to be.

The pilgrim admittedly frustrated sighed. His unlikely impromptu companion was heart broken, as his fiance' would be at work by the time he would arrive home. Time could not stand still as this would be a short layover on his continued passage. The duffel bag that contained his complete world thrown over his shoulder he turned to the pilgrim saying 
“ Thanks. I am soon off to Afghanistan again and remember me… ”

“I will not forget, be safe ” the pilgrim shouted reaching out with one thumb up.

Fourteen hours slowly passed, four am, usually the time when the pilgrim would wake in gratitude to the new day, now in a garden state of complete exhaustion he finally unlocked the door to his home. All journeys are not the same but eventually they all come to an end.  In the darkness of the pre-dawn hour he opened the fridge grabbed the last Corona opened it, lifted it …in gratitude and hope

“Salut…. and safe journey soldier!”



Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day Meditations: A Two- for

(Picture: Lindsay Sobecki )
Easter Aftermaths

Waking to the song of a solo bird in the moment when all the darkness begins to burn away becomes the moment when the physical and spiritual experience of hope exists in its purest form . The fogged meanderings from a dream-scaped night slowly rise as eyes permit the formation of colors of the new day to greet the soul. Folgers or any other caffeinated contrivances are obviously not the best things.

Reports of storms swirling , separating spirits from sentient beings leaving a serpentined shattered swath of splinters and rubbled ruins is all the news that fits . Pictures of edifices unscathed are visible under the brilliance of the sun that blesses the complete landscape as they scream out for mercy for their sacrificed neighbors.

Caseworker remembrances echo as the morning breaks. Thanksgiving sentiments sanctify the wires from the persistent frightened unbeliever who dodged another bullet.  Exasperated offspring shakes her fist heavenwards seeking consolation and wisdom why barriers divert her partner from a desired vocation. The second one dreams of missionary safaris and finding her prince as another commoner drives away with a future king .The world watches and takes a breath from all the pain.

Songs crafted in a previous life rearranged are rerecorded. Mentoring from a member of the band mitigates fumbling through the technology as mix and levels are altered but the song has not changed.


Two Saints - Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa

Beatification : Divine Mercy Sunday/International Workers Day
 ( Don’t call me a saint!)

There were four amidst the gathering of 80,000 pilgrims in the land of giants on a torrential October day 1n 1995 .Immersed in the baptism
of constant rain they patiently waited in anticipation of a grace-filled presence. A somber sober sanctified celebration commenced. All they knew was that the man for whom they joined in cheer and reverence was somehow special. Their hungry spirits were nourished. The rain ceased and a holy aura encompassed the celebrant .Karol Józef Wojtyła was living confirmation that an imperfect human form can be sacred.

Post Script:

Books and blogs speculate about the nature of holiness and the institutional canonization of the acclamation of “saint” for certain individuals of virtue. This first day of May 2011 is celebrated as the day of Divine Mercy ( all giving unconditional love and forgiveness ) , as well as celebrating the Beatification of Pope John Paul II, who once suggested that our “prayer be are work and our work are prayer.” It is coincidentally also the day identified as “International Workers Day (May Day )”, honoring all who work. Reflecting on holiness, mercy and work  - Dorothy Day comes to mind.

Reading her words and stories about her she seems to meet the core criteria of the church to be called “Saint.” The work of Dorothy Day was her prayer , her prayer was her life.

(Dorothy Day former agnostic, divorced, had an abortion, unwed mother, ex- Communist, common law wife, has a spiritual awakening and converts to Catholicism at about age 30 ….Social activist, co-founder of Catholic Worker Movement , author, peace activist , opens  30 that has grown to 100 communities  to  house and serve the working poor , homeless and marginalized ….
Dorothy Day once said “Don’t call me a saint, I don’t want to be dismissed that easily.”)

Somehow it becomes clear that all who listen to and follow their hearts are saints.

(A gift for the readers:

Love and Mercy ....click link for video and music

I was sittin' in a crummy movie with my hands on my chin
Oh the violence that occurs seems like we never win

Love and mercy that's what you need tonight
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight

I was lyin' in my room and the news came on T.V.
A lotta people out there hurtin' and it really scares me

Love and mercy that's what you need tonight
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight

I was standin' in a bar and watchin' all the people there
Oh the loneliness in this world well it's just not fair

Hey love and mercy that's what you need tonight
So, love and mercy to you and your friends tonight

Love and mercy that's what you need tonight
Love and mercy tonight

Love and mercy
