Thursday, November 30, 2023

Questions :An Advent Contemplation

"I will honor Christmas in my heart

and try to keep it all year."

- Charles Dickens

"Mankind was my business. The 

common welfare was my business;

charity, mercy , forbearance,

benevolence, were all my business. 

The dealings of my trade but a drop

of water in the comprehensive ocean

of my business!"

- Marley's Ghost to Scrooge - Dickens

Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy explainers

 how it was "Christmas" and how it was the time of year to 

"Spread joy , caring ,compassion, giving and love , and working 

for peace ." Charlie Brown  wondered out-loud ,"Why do we do 

these things at Christmastime and why 

can't we do these things all year round?" Lucy yells at 

Charlie Brown "What are you some type of religious fanatic?!"

The Inspiration :

In one of the few credible local newspapers remaining the pages in a recent edition were filled with ads as to the best sales for the best products that one really "needs" to get as presents for their loved ones during this holiday season . In between those color-filled pages were pictures and stories of the horrors of war and violence , famine in countries that seem to be from some faraway planet, debates and quotes from public figures who proclaim that they represent the truth about spiritual matters and why their religion is the only correct path, and how elected officials threaten physical harm to others who don't agree with them and on and on. 

Without warning right in the middle of the OpEd pages is an old picture of President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter, who had just passed , sweating as they worked at building a home for the homeless their post political office years . The caption on the picture read " Faith in Action."

On the same day as reading a digital world news report there was a short video vignette of an aging great grandfather holding his new born great grand child as the great grandfather wept whispering to the infant, "I am so sorry that I didn't do more to leave you a better world to live in. We really blew it ." 

This pilgrim author wondered , " Have I tried enough ?"

The Writing:

Questions : An Advent Contemplation

Oliver wondered while Cockburn conjured 

Purpose or rationalization ,

Commandments or subtle suggestions ?

Sometimes confused sheep wander as

A few somehow are lost in the most verdant of valleys

Gifted to every creature hoping for nourishment and serenity.

How is it that some of the most enlightened 

Of the most erudite of the Mensa membership

Not only get off course leading seekers 

Away from the truth as the answer that has

Been burning brightly within all ways?

Have the pieces of the cosmic  puzzle confused

Wandering sentient spirits seeking significance 

Of their place in this mandala ?

Hasn't all of Mother Nature ,the essence of the divine,

That eternal magnificent spark,

Graced every aspect of creation in all ways?

Is not this experience and space

Sanctifying all with the ever-present answers to

The great questions ? 

-  JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

"Poetry is a gateway into intuitive consciousness. It knocks on the doors

 of the heart and the heart opens" 

 - Mirabai Starr

"Poetry is an Act of Peace . Peace goes into the making of a poet

as flour goes into the making of bread."

- Pablo Neruda

Some Questions You Might Ask

Is the soul solid, like iron? 

Or is it tender and breakable, like 

the wings of a moth in the beak of the owl? 

Who has it, and who doesn’t? 

I keep looking around me. 

The face of the moose is as sad 

as the face of Jesus. 

The swan opens her white wings slowly. 

In the fall, the black bear carries leaves into the darkness. 

One question leads to another. 

Does it have a shape? Like an iceberg? 

Like the eye of a hummingbird? 

Does it have one lung, like the snake and the scallop? 

Why should I have it, and not the anteater 

who loves her children? 

Why should I have it, and not the camel? 

Come to think of it, what about the maple trees? 

What about the blue iris? 

What about all the little stones, sitting alone in the moonlight? 

What about roses, and lemons, and their shining leaves? 

What about the grass?

- Mary Oliver

 God's Grandeur - GM Hopkins ( Read by Stanley Kunitz)

"Into this world, this demented inn, in which there is no room for him
at all, Christ has come uninvited."
- Thomas Merton

The Music:

Running To Stand Still - Bono (U2)

Getting Ready for Christmas Day - Paul Simon

I Believe in Father Christmas - G. Lake

Do They Know it's Christmas - Band Aid

Questions - Moody Blues

Nothing But a Burning Light - Bruce Cockburn

Videos for Meditation For Readers:

What are we meant to be?
What is our responsibility to our loved ones and the world?

To be or not to be - Alternatives (Shakespeare)

Scrooge - The Full Movie 1951

CODA: Something more to consider

As I come of Age - S. Stills

How do we share the spirit of peace, love, compassion and mercy?

Have a Blessed and Peaceful Holiday Season.

Two  not-for-profits that keep the spirit alive year round.

Family Promise -

World Central Kitchen -

"Everything that we preach is what we need to hear."
         - Bono

"One day I will find the right words , and they will be simple."
- Jack Kerouac

"The most important thing is not why we write but how we write.
Write dangerously , Beckett.." 
- James Joyce ( From the new biopic on S. Beckett " Dance First.")

For my girls and their families.... 


Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Calvin & Hobbes

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Kritajna ( Gratitude) Letter


"You sanctify all you are grateful for"

- Anthony DeMello

"Keep your attitude of gratitude and take no

thing for granted "

- Henri Nouwen

                                                                  The Harvest Moon

"If the only prayer you said was 'thank you' , that would be enough ."

    - Meister Eckhart

The Inspiration :

Sometimes just sitting in the still silence savoring the sanctifying serenity

of the morning breaking like the very first dawn the waking spirit

is secretly and slowly baptized.

Suddenly a seed begins to flourish within. 

A request by a new friend fuels that flame of gratitude where 

encounters with earthly angels, saints and places surface 

re- illuminating  the scoundrel pilgrim with gratitude.

The soft spoken voice of a local yogi suggests that this mindfulness

of the power of gratefulness is a holy grace. Ego fades as 

humility is restored as the evidence of 

the divine unconditional love is revealed.


 The Speech That Broke The Internet

"Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow"


The Writing:

The Kritajna Letter

Dear Friends,

The great basilica of the universe nurtures and nourishes

all aspects of creation . Every thing and every creature

has purpose and that purpose is to celebrate the authenticity

of just being as all is meant to be. Interdependence is purpose.

Who is this that has conjured and created this magnificent 

essence of existence ?

How has the interconnectedness of everything evolved?

We have had no say in how we or anything as come to be.

Some ancient poetic prophet proposed that "there is a purpose

for every-thing under heaven."

Inspired, this imperfect pilgrim initiates 

an unrestricted list of all that has graced him.

This "grateful inventory" summons visions

and soul-filled recollections .

The ever beautiful yellowing orange fired red leaves begin

to drift with the help of the breath of the divine

from their seasonal stations blanketing

the earth below waiting patiently to be re-nourished .

Birds' songs cease as they make way in murmuration

to warmer shelters from the forthcoming coldness.

Streams flow, oceans wave , stars pave the way for 

seeking sailors. No thing exists for its own self.

The sentient beings, souls with bodies, seem to intersect,

creating  a majestic mystical mandala,

an intricate billion piece jig saw puzzle. 

An enlightened one once wrote that within the great expanse

of the universe that lines running from millions

of points to seemingly other unrelated points intersect

not by accident but by some greater hand.

A holy one explains that it is the divine DNA  that

resides and connects at different times

and occasions within the aggregate of the universe.

Like a flower bursting through the autumn ground

a question quietly blossoms,

"How does all in the universe experience my gratitude , my humility?"

- JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

"Poetry is a gateway into intuitive consciousness. It knocks on the doors

 of the heart and the heart opens" 

 - Mirabai Starr

"Poetry is an Act of Peace . Peace goes into the making of a poet

as flour goes into the making of bread."

- Pablo Neruda

Gratitude - Mary Oliver

What did you notice?

The dew-snail;
the low-flying sparrow;
the bat, on the wind, in the dark;
big-chested geese, in the V of sleekest performance;
the soft toad, patient in the hot sand;
the sweet-hungry ants;
the uproar of mice in the empty house;
the tin music of the cricket’s body;
the blouse of the goldenrod.

What did you hear?

The thrush greeting the morning;
the little bluebirds in their hot box;
the salty talk of the wren,
then the deep cup of the hour of silence.

When did you admire?

The oaks, letting down their dark and hairy fruit;
the carrot, rising in its elongated waist;
the onion, sheet after sheet, curved inward to the pale green wand;
at the end of summer the brassy dust, the almost liquid beauty of the flowers;
then the ferns, scrawned black by the frost.

What astonished you?

The swallows making their dip and turn over the water.

What would you like to see again?

My dog: her energy and exuberance, her willingness,
her language beyond all nimbleness of tongue,
her recklessness, her loyalty, her sweetness,
her strong legs, her curled black lip, her snap.

What was most tender?

Queen Anne’s lace, with its parsnip root;
the everlasting in its bonnets of wool;
the kinks and turns of the tupelo’s body;
the tall, blank banks of sand;
the clam, clamped down.

What was most wonderful?

The sea, and its wide shoulders;
the sea and its triangles;
the sea lying back on its long athlete’s spine.

What did you think was happening?

The green beast of the hummingbird;
the eye of the pond;
the wet face of the lily;
the bright, puckered knee of the broken oak;
the red tulip of the fox’s mouth;
the up-swing, the down-pour, the frayed sleeve of the first snow—

so the gods shake us from our sleep.


"Think about how many times I have fallen

Spirits are using me

Larger voices calling

What Have brought you and me

Cannot be forgotten."

- Southern Cross , V=Crosby Stills and Nash


The Music:

(Musical reflections on the inspiration)

Memory Lane - Van Morrison

Kind and Generous - N. Merchant

40 - U2

Some Musical Pieces/Videos for Meditation For Readers:

Right now - this moment ...'what/who are you grateful for?"

One of these Days - N. Young

CODA: Something more to consider

Gratitude - David Whyte

"One day I will find the right words , and they will be simple."
- Jack Kerouac

"The most important thing is not why we write but how we write.
Write dangerously , Beckett.." 
- James Joyce ( From the new biopic on S. Beckett " Dance First.")


Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Calvin & Hobbes

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Ballad of the Piano Man and the Pirate: The Eternal Principle

The Sphere at Las Vegas

"Where your treasure is there is your heart also " - Matt: 6:21 

"Go into the the arts. I'm not kidding. The arts are not 

a way to make a living.They are a human way of 

making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how

 well or badly , is a way to make your soul grow, for

 heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio.

Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. 

Do it as well as you possibly can. 

You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."

- K. Vonnegut

"Are you willing to keep writing and telling stories knowing you 

will get nothing in return?"

- Whit Burnett to JD Salinger 

Do know where you are going and why?

The Inspiration :

The Eternal Principle - Bill Moyers with Joseph Campbell

 (In preparing this post the author "coincidentally" saw this video     

  confirming the original inspiration.

"He who is not being born is busy dying" - B. Dylan                                     

"The River flows ,it flows to the sea. 

Wherever the river flows ,that's where I want to be " 

- R. McGuinn ( The Ballad of Easy Rider)


The Writing:

The Ballad of the Piano Man and The Pirate : The Eternal Principle

The Piano man and the pirate joined 50,000 souls in the 

Cathedral of the Field of Dreams as they were

Christened novices of the Sgt Pepper's Broken Hearts Club Band.

They never dreamed that within a half century they would

Become fully consecrated Jedi,

Thanks to the the holy order of the Supreme Surgeons 

Of the Sacred Heart.

They were one but not the same. 

Sometimes in those magical moments

The self proclaimed dynamic duo got to carry 

Each other from a distance.

The piano man tickled the ivories in between

Seconds of solemn solitary silence 

echoing sentiments in songs

Of Chaucer tales while the pirate strayed along

The rivers and roads in the rain somehow searching

For that promised hidden treasure.

The Pirate weaving in and out

Those un-forecasted storms in the arriving autumn.

Estragon's commentary "perhaps one could dance first and think 

Afterwards"  echoed constantly as they waited .

Selecting two separate roads less travelled, 

both leading to Emmaus,

The distracted two were not aware that maybe that secret

Treasure they had been seeking , just may be 

Everp-present in all aspects of creation.

The pirate perturbed by the possibility 

that the two reborn easy riders

Might come to the conclusion 

Of their predecessors , Wyatt and Billy.

In the end Wyatt solemnly reflected - "We blew it."

The piano man piously postulated how 

The circle would be unbroken,

Proposing that their Vegas venture would be a

Just another excursion on the way to Mandalay .

        - JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

"Poetry is a gateway into intuitive consciousness. It knocks on the doors

 of the heart and the heart opens" 

 - Mirabai Starr

"Poetry is an Act of Peace . Peace goes into the making of a poet

as flour goes into the making of bread."

- Pablo Neruda

" To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.'

- Wm. Blake

When you are Old - WB Yeats as read by Cillian Murphy

The Holy Longing - J W Goethe (Trans.R. Bly)
Tell a wise person, or else keep silent
because the mass man will mock it right away.
I praise what is truly alive,
what longs to be burned to death.

In the calm water of there love-nights
where you were begotten, where you have begotten
a strange feeling comes over you,
when you see the silent candle burning.

Now you are no longer caught in the obsession with the darkness
and desire for higher love-making sweeps you upward.

Distance does not make you falter.
Now, arriving in magic, flying,
and flying insane for the light,
you are a butterfly and you are gone.
And, so long as you haven't experienced this: to die and so to grow,
you are only a troubled guest on the dark earth.

The Music:

(Musical reflections on the inspiration)

Roads and Rivers - Head and Heart

Oh Las Vegas -  Emmy Lou Harris (G Parsons)
Some Musical Pieces/Videos for Meditation For Readers:

Queries: Remember those you met along the way -
those who touched you, those you may have 
touched, the accidental encounters and the life
long relationships... how all in this experience and universe
 is interconnected.
" Time it was , and what a time it was , it was...a time of innocence,
 a time of confidences. Long ago it must be , I have a 
 photograph. Preserve your memories they're all that's left you."  
 - P. Simon

Old Friends- Simon and Garfunkel
" And the seasons go round and round,
the painted ponies go up and down.
We're captive on the carousel of time.
We can't return , we can only look behind from where we came.
And, go round and round in the circle game"
Circle Game - Tom Rush ( J Mitchell)

And a post script:
Beatles at Shea Stadium 1965

Still Haven't Found What I am looking For - U2 (video made in Las Vegas)
"One day I will find the right words , and they will be simple."
- Jack Kerouac
"The most important thing is not why we write but how we write.
Write dangerously , Beckett.." 
- James Joyce ( From the new biopic on S. Beckett " Dance First.")

Remembering : Doc Sullivan , Jim B , Irving  and all
 those who's souls have moved on their journey..

Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC