Saturday, January 31, 2015

Old - Random Reflections


                 Old – P.Simon ( smart phones click on link)

So with just weeks away from another birthday I have had a number of reflections and ideas about a blog post bouncing round and round in my head. I have drafted at least four separate posts but I thought I would highlight just some random sections from these drafts as the post today.

* Less than a week has gone by since my 20 something daughter and fiancĂ©’ gathered to celebrate the music of the not-ready-to-retire original members of Fleetwood Mac. There in the oceanside city that refuses to die, where lost sheep seek dreams and gamble their fortunes is where we found ourselves. It was observed that “The Mac still got it and time ain’t got nothing on these players!” The congregation of pensioners and newbies danced and sang the night away.

“Everything that dies some day comes back. Meet me tonight in Atlantic City.”

* So there is a friend who is telling me that he is getting concerned about his age as he moves forward in his second career, which in all truth should have been his first. But that’s for another post. This friend and I know of a peer of ours who has posted his age as being ten years younger than he really is. Hmmm? A recent 6-week bout with sciatica as a result of two bulging discs reminded me that I couldn’t do the same things the same way I did years ago. (Hey now…I am talking about golf!) While in pain I couldn’t read, write or even play music. I did worry for a while but the worrying didn’t change anything. Physical therapy and prayer helped!

* There are some Buddhist monks who spend days carefully creating intricate works of art called “Mandelas” with millions of colored grains of sand only to brush away the work of art when their work is done. They believe that the “art”, the sacred experience is in the doing…in the “creating”, in the being “present.” Being present is to be lost in the moment of the task at hand and all that fills the spirit. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow mystery and the present is a gift.” All is impermanence some say. There is no need the boast about what was finally completed. It is being present to the moment that matters. I like to get lost in the doing and the flow...

* The pilgrim was asked to create a profile that featured his experiences, achievements and credentials. He wrote down that he is most proud of his two daughters. The newly designed automatic electronic digital form that was to collect his input wouldn’t accept that response. So he tried again. This time he wrote about his family, friends, playing music, running marathons, meditations and walking on the beach at Cape May watching the sunrise. Again, big red letters appeared “ERROR: NOT VALID ENTRY!” and wouldn’t accept his input. There were designated spaces about educational degrees earned, work titles and employers and memberships to organizations. “That’s not who I really am”, he thought.

* A dear friend sent me this quote in response to some correspondence about my letting the winds and waves carrying me to where I need to be…. Coincidence or a greater plan, who knows?

“Perhaps the best river runners are Taoists at heart. Taoism considers someone wise if they accommodate themselves to the rhythms of the universe.”

* Becoming a first time grandfather recently has changed everything. All of a sudden the sacred has exploded like some beautiful fragrant flower in the middle of the winter of my life and even I feel reborn.

* I read the quote below years ago and only recently did I begin to grasp it’s meaning. I am not sure if I am correct but it doesn’t matter in the end does it?
“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” ~Zen proverb

        Don’t Stop – Fleetwood Mac  ( Smart Phones click on link)


           Atlantic City – B. Springsteen ( smart phones click on link)


Friday, January 2, 2015

Caroline's Letter

On December 27, 2014 Caroline Olivia Malone was born to Lindsay and Joseph Malone.

Sweet Caroline,       

Welcome to the universe. I wish you could tell us what is it that makes you smile . Your lips gently move puckering up and down and in and out as if to tell me about the secret of your origin and the first moments or your development in your mother’s womb. It seems obvious what new sights and sounds delight your innocent spirit.

Is it really hunger or is it just the unusual smelly mess in your diaper that causes you to cry out? Is it feeling your mother’s heart beat again next to your body and the firm and gentle protective loving caress of your father that brings you comfort of unconditional love? 

Somehow I think you sense that it was love that caused the spark bringing you life and that it is love  that brought you into this world . I wonder if you know that you are a gift of the divine and that your life is proof of the sacred as it is sacrament. I think your “GG” is convinced you are a special angel.

What is it that I can tell you? Here are a few things I tried to teach your mother and your zia. I am not sure how successful I was but I hope they know I tried.

Though there will be days of fair weather of warmth and sunshine there may be nights when some storms will seem endless. You are never alone and you are loved more than you will know. Listen to the wisdom of your mom and dad. Be present and live each moment in gratitude as it is a gift. Be mindful of the wonders of the universe .Be authentic and never be afraid of being precisely who you are meant to be. Mistakes happen as they are proof of our humanity. What really matters is how you live and not what you do to “make” a living. In order to respect and love others completely you need to respect and love yourself. Tell the truth and live in truth. Success is living with integrity , compassion, hopefulness and mercy. Accumulating things might delight you but they don’t really bring you peace or happiness. Don’t forget that there are those in this world who need your help, your love and your prayers. Never take one moment or one thing or person for granted. Cherish all of nature…the sky, clouds, the sun, rain, snow , trees, flowers, river, lakes, all creatures, oceans , sunrises and sunsets as they too are of God . If your faith is ever challenged just remember the love you have felt and been given as that love is God. What we call heaven is ever present as it is in your heart. Prayer works.

If you are to be serious about anything be serious about being yourself and living life with passion and joy. Music is a unique gift and let it bring joy , share the joy, let it console you when you are sad don’t ever be afraid to let go and dance! If you play a musical instrument just let the music flow . Sing always, it is freeing! Play with abandon and if you play a sport play with all the joy of your spirit.

Read as much as you can. There are so many good books with so much wisdom and fun and there is so little time. Write whenever and whatever you can and remember that writing is knowing . Art and the creative spirit in all the arts is the sacred being exposed to the world .

Trust your intuition. 
Be amazed by life and know that you will amaze others.

Te voglio bene assai


Dance ( smart phones click on link)

Love and Happiness  ( smart phones click on link)

Sweet Caroline ( smart phones click on link)
