Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sanctuary and Sacred Spaces


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

        "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them 
will fall to the ground apart from your Father"
- Matt 10:29

"He not busy being born is busy dying"
- Bob Dylan

The Inspiration :

In 2023 from the ending of March to the second week of April 

many of the wayward sentient pilgrims celebrated the holy days of Ramadan , 

Passover , Good Friday and Easter . These mystical consecrated days

included the celebration and onset of mother earth's own resurrection 

season . One particular sign of the oncoming transformation for one pilgrim

was the appearance of a Sparrow's nest with eggs comfortably 

sitting in a wreath on the front door of his home.( pictured above)

As he silently slipped secretly to secure a picture of the sanctified moment 

the mother Sparrow caught the pilgrim's eye staring him down as if

 to say "This is 'sacred space.This is my home" and she took flight

diverting the human away from her nest and chicks waiting to hatch. 

Within three days of that holy event visiting the front door nest the seeker 

dutifully wandered to the local Quaker Meeting House. After a a short 

period of sitting in sinful silence his spirit felt compelled 

to witness about the incident with the Sparrow .

Without notice another spirit filled member of the congregation

spoke softly how her heart was open to the fact that everything everywhere

is a sacred space - a Holy Home. Surprises sometimes spark a rekindling

of that dormant flame within.

The pilgrim was wakened to how amnesia and being tethered 

to the world can be quite distracting from the truth.

The Writing:

Sanctuary and Sacred Spaces

How is it that you fall with clown-like ease from the present

To the next moment , the here and now , 

In the blink on an eye?

These waves you sail, the paths you walk, with

The birds that sing in hallelujah 

 - all trying to proclaim that

The promised land , just might be the hallowed safe harbor

You have been screaming for in the dark of the night.

The proverbial insane sea sickness consumes some

Solo sojourning sailors seeking solace.

Yet, in the distant horizon shines a light 

Becoming brighter and brighter as

Breaths are counted and the cold

Sweat meanders down your weary worn face.

Hands dip deeper into the frayed

Lint filled holed pockets

Grabbing for one last smoke 

While magically a parting shot of sacramental bourbon

Reaches your parched lips.

Your soul wonders why 

You are not holding one

Who loves without demand.

Like the wind blowing in from an unknown source,

It is the nourishing unconditional arrival of April rain that

Quenches those most parched and present 

With that thirst for sanctuary and sacred space;

The ever persistent mystical consolation.

"Now" is resurrected , the exalted awakening

Of the sweetest concord , the great consecration,

In every aspect of creation and experience.

                       - JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

"Poetry is a gateway into intuitive consciousness. It knocks on the doors

 of the heart and the heart opens" - Mirabai Starr

" To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.'

- Wm. Blake



- Gary Snyder ( After a Mohawk Prayer)

[Read by a member the same day 

as the witness was made about sacred spaces]

Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day

   and to her soil, rich , rare, and sweet

    in our minds so be it

Gratitude plants, the sun-facing light-changing leaf

   the fine root hairs, standing still through wind

   and rain , their dance is in the flowing grain

   in our minds so be it

Gratitude to Air, bearing the Swift and the silent

   Owl at dawn, breath of our song

   clear spirit breeze

   in our minds so be it

Gratitude to Wild Beings, our brothers and sisters

   teaching secrets, freedoms and ways

   self-complete , brave, and aware

   in our minds so be it

Gratitude to Water, clouds, lakes, rivers, glaciers

   holding or releasing, streaming through all

   our bodies salty seas

   in our minds so be it

Gratitude to the Sun, blinding pulsing light through

   trunks of trees, through mists, warming caves where

   bears and snakes sleep -- he who wakes us ---

   in our minds so be it

Gratitude to the Great Sky

   who holds billions of stars--and goes yet beyond that

   beyond all powers and thoughts and yet is within us ---

   Grandfather space

   The Mind is his Wife

   so be it


Carrying The Songs

for Triona and Maighread Ni Domhnail

"Those in power write the history , those who suffer write the songs. "

(Frank Harte)

It was always those with little else to carry

who carried the songs

to Babylon

to the Mississippi ---

some of these last possessed less than nothing

did not own their own bodies

yet, three centuries later,

deep rhythms from Africa,

store in their hearts, their bones,

carry the world's songs.

For those who left my country,

girls from Downings and the Rosses

who followed herring boats north to Shetland

gutting the sea's silver as they went

or boys from Ranafast and Horn Head

who took the Derry boat,

who slept over a rope in a bothy

songs were their soul's currency

the pure metal of their hearts,

to be exchanged for other gold,

other songs which rang out true and bright

when flung down

upon the deal boards of their days

- Moya Cannon

The Music:

(Musical reflections on the inspiration)

Invisible - Bono and The Edge from U2 with friends
(" I'm more than you know body and my soul...
There is no them - there's only us...")

Learn to Be Still - The Eagles
(.. There are many contradictions 
In these messages we send
Maybe you've forgotten
Heaven lying at your feet
...learn to be still)

Sailing - Christopher Cross
(...Well, it's not far down to paradise
At least not for me
And if the wind is right you can sail away
and find tranquility...)
The Pilgrim's sailboats have been named
Bown Eyed Lady , Muzyka and The Ascent

Bonus tracks for your listening pleasure if you desire:

Just The Motion - Linda and Richard Thompson
(Oh the motion won't leave you,
won't let you remain don't worry
It's a restless wind and a sleepless rain, don't worry
'Cause under the ocean at the bottom of the sea
You can't hear the storm, it's as peaceful as can be
It's just the motion, it's just the motion.)

The Parting Glass - Glen Hansard ( Trad Irish Folk song)
( Of all the money I have spent in good company...
and to all the comrades I have had...
fill and raise a glass ...good night and joy be with you all.)


Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC