Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Art of Being and No Intention


"One life but we're not the same

we got to carry each other, carry each other.."

- U2

"I should be content

to look at a mountain

for what it is

and not as a comment on my life."

- David Ignatow

"We plan, God laughs" - Yiddish Proverb

A New Year's Plea

Lord, let me stand in the thick of the fight

Let me bear what I must without Whining

Grant me the wisdom to do what is right

Though a thousand false beacons are shining.

Let me be true as the steel of a blade

Make me bigger than skilled or clever:

Teach me to cling to my best, unafraid.

And, harken the false gospels, never.

Let me be brave when the burden is great,

Faithful when wounded by sorrow,

Teach me, when troubled. with patience to wait

The better and bright tomorrow.

Spare me from hatred and envy and shame,

Open my eyes to life's beauty:

Let not the glitter of fortune or fame

Blind me to what is my duty.

Let me be true to myself to the end,

Let me stand to my task without whining,

Let me be right as a man , as a friend,

Though a thousand false beacons are shining.

   - Edgar A. Guest ( found in a collection of his poetry printed 1925)


The Art of Being and No Intention

An original member of the band recalled how the pilgrim

Was thought of as the student  with "Aptitude with Attitude."

The "undeclared" pilgrim sojourner believed he was

That cork "floating over the raging sea,"

No course charted or a grand vision of Ulysses.

Often distracted, the pilgrim wandered this way and that,

Not considering how the wind and mystical currents -

Were taking him to be precisely where he needed to be.

On the inhale present to mystery , and

On the exhale the holy longing could fade as

Disorientation and discouraging doubt disrupt the passage.

Almost 28,000 rotations of the earth completed

Since that eternal spark launched his soul's innocent vessel,

From the womb fists ready for the fight, 

You know, just in case,

From the first light injustice and ignorance 

Appeared flourishing in all aspects of the world .

"Where was that unconditional love? 

What happened to the magnificent

Promise of perpetual sanctifying peace?'

No control while relying on faith 

Seemed at times to stop everything within and around him.

Then that secret sacred voice, without speaking ,

Simply and unabashedly penetrated his spirit.

"Let go and just be. You are the author of your own story

Remember 'The treasure is where your heart is' .

No matter where you are

Or what you do or say

It is how you love and serve others that matters."

 - JF Sobecki


"Wherever you go there you are."

- Jon Kabat-Zinn


A few musical pieces....       

The Boxer - Kraus, Colvin and Douglas (P. Simon)

(Thanks to Lou P. for the inspiration )

There is a Mountain - Donavan

Nights in White Satin/Late Lament - Moody Blues

One of These Days - N.Young

One - U2

One Fine Day - D. Byrne*

Simple Gifts - Yo-Yo Ma/Allison Kraus

'Til I Die - Beach Boys ( B. Wilson)

Night Riders Lament - JJ Walker
( Just because - for all those who follow their own spirit)

Ulysses(ending) - Read by Dame Helen Mirren (Alfred Lord Tennyson)


Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved
JF Sobecki LLC *

* Quaker

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Advent Gift

Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy explained how it was "Christmas" and explained further that this was the time of the year to " spread joy, caring, compassion. giving , peace and love."
Charlie Brown wondered to Lucy "What do we do these things at "Christmastime" and why can't we do these things and be that way all year round?" Lucy yelled at Charlie Brown. " What are you some type of religious fanatic?"



The Advent Gift

So he sat in the stillness with silence,
Letting go the contemplation, 
Surrendering to the sanctifying serenity..
Gazing through the ancient windows
Blurring all that magnificent gift of nature
Wondering if there would be one leaf
That would refuse to fall.
The noise of the world slowly 
Fading into nothingness.
His earthly vessel lost 
As the consciousness welcomed the light.
The soul slowly slipping 
Into the mystical cosmic void.
No conjuring analysis of the now,
Floating and free .
The eternal spark rekindled
Growing the flame warming the soul.
A secret voice of an unknown source
Seemed to speak softly to his spirit
"Who will love if you don't? 
Are you the selfless creation
Unafraid to to serve those pilgrims
Struggling to live in blessedness?
Are others aware of the abundant
Unconditional  perpetual grace?
What is your contribution to the solace?
How does your authenticity shine 
The light that has been gifted so
Every aspect of creation
Waking all to the great illumination,
The Divine DNA residing in every thing?
My gift to you :
Is that you are to give freely
All times - all ways.
All life is sacrament. All time is sacred.
All days are holy-days."

Eyes and  mind clear, heart and spirit filled.
He thought "Maybe this is heaven"
Advent complete.

- JF Sobecki
Some different music for the Holidays

You Got The Love - The Retrosettes Sister Band

When Love Comes to Town( w BB King)- U2

Long,Long, Long - Beatles( G. Harrison)

Peace Train - C. Stevens - Playing for Change

Do They Know its Christmastime- Band Aid

Field Of Dreams - "Maybe This is Heaven" (watch til the end)
* Warning: Men grab that box of tissues

Scrooge ( A Christmas Carol - Full Movie)


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved 2022

Monday, October 31, 2022

This Little Light


"At sea I learned how little a person
needs, not how much."

      - Robin Graham


This Little Light

Some say she is a seeker sailing sanctified seas for serenity.
Some say she savors the searching.
The waves are all separate, new , coming and going
And yet they are of that one great unknown sea.
The wind of that unknown mystical source
Sometimes fills the sails and sometimes the canvas 
Stands in stillness and the vessel drifts almost aimless.
No sextant , charts or navigator needed.
A new habit may help, but a new mask will not.
The heart knows where the treasure is and 
That eternal spark will light the way.
The greek chorus of bishops of the voyage proclaim ,
"The ocean is our cathedral and sailing our sacrament.
It is how you sail that really matters in the end . 
Trust that consecrating wind that lifts the migrating paracletes . "
Sacred sojourners don't sail for accolades or rewards,
It isn't about attachments , owning any thing
Or crossing some arbitrary finish line.
Holes need to be filled, lost spirits 
And bodies to be found, fed and sheltered.
Echoes of a humble mother recalls
That everyone , every thing needs love.
Seekers bow to the rising sun and kneel 
As the gleam fades over the horizon.
Constant compassion, selflessness,  gratitude
And maybe a little light, a poem and a song-
The only real provisions needed for the passage  .

               - JF Sobecki

Some Eternal Spark - Glossary

Nothing But a Burning Light - B. Cockburn

Tomorrow Never Knows- Beatles

Gotta Be - Desiree'

Still Haven't Found - U2

Any Road - G. Harrison

This Little Light - Odetta

What the World need Now - J. DeShannon


  The Journey

Above there mountains
The geese turn into 
the light again

Painting their
black silhouettes
on an open sky

Sometimes everything
has to be 
inscribed across 
the heavens

so you can find the one line
already written
inside you.

Sometimes it takes
a great sky
to find that

first, bright
and indescribable
wedge of freedom
in your own heart.

Sometimes with 
the bones of the black
sticks left when the fire
has gone out

someone has written
something new
in the ashes of your life.
You are not leaving.
Even as the light fades quickly now
you are arriving.

- David Whyte

Remembering Skip - R.I.P. 

His "Girls"



Copyright All Rights Reserved 2022 JF Sobecki LLC

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Category 4: Sail On Through The Storm


"Red Sky at night sailor's delight

Red Sky at morning,

Sailors take warning"

- Old Sailor Saying

"'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood

When blackness was a virtue the road was full of mud

I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form

Come in, she said

I'll give ya shelter from the storm"

  - Shelter from The Storm , Bob Dylan

"Seen loved ones born

Seen loved ones dying

Sail On Through the storm

Rocked with laughter

I shook with crying

Taking it all back home."

 - Sail On, M. Black




Category 4: Sail On Through The Storm

So, the bowman queried,

"What about the storm?"

The old salt navigator retorted, " Storms come and go.

Sometimes we experience the consequence 

Of decisions regardless of the thoroughness

Of the preparatory analysis. 

Sometimes rationalizations are conjured

By wisemen and jokers alike

To justify the chosen course."

Yet, not deciding is a decision.

Sail On! Sail On Through the storm!

Taking it all back home.

Experienced sojourners know the secret

Of how things happen time and again.

The troubadour sings "Everything dies,

Baby that's a fact. But maybe everything that dies

Some days come back."

Sometimes we are completely surprised.

Sometimes we should know better.

Sometimes we are as immortal adolescents,

Moving forward regardless of warning signs 

And the wise counsel of Obe Wans.

Hurricanes wash away complete beaches and homes but

They cannot wash away the memories.

A bride and a groom vow with conviction to abide

Filling each other with hopefulness and faith in the future.

"Come in , she says

I'll give you shelter from the storm."

What fills their hearts overrides the concern

Of the probable storms lying in wait.

"In sickness and health" they proclaim.

Just up the coast outside of Sanibel and Captiva.

They would sing "Ooh La La La La La"

Witnessing magical sunsets waiting

On the promise of a Green Flash.

Where a son of the rising sun declared

"This must be paradise."

All things change. All things must pass.

That holy essence nurtures all,

The hungry spirits who gather to celebrate 

New unions, new journeys

And all wayward pilgrims 

Lift up their palms in supplications and trust.

The officiant whispers,

" Good Luck, Bad Luck, who knows?

Just sail on through the storm."

There is no doubt

The Odyssey does not go on ad infinitum.

The potential for tragedy always lies in wait,

The finish line may be a distant wave or two away

As sailors can be knocked down mid tack

With a gentle following wind.

Earthen vessels are not made to be tethered

To some dock in a safe harbor .

Their purpose is to sail on, making passage 

On the unknown sea,

Disembarking following a charted course.

Diligent sailors hope and work for the best

While being mindful of the present.

Survivors of storms are reminded of the sacred duty  

To stand at the ready to serve and help heal 

Those vessels that have been broken,

Constantly searching for and rescuing those stranded,

Those in need...the hopeless and the helpless

Bringing them into the light.

Sail On..."Sail on to where you truly belong

Don't waste time asking where

The time you've spent is gone."

Just Sail On.... through the storm.

                - JF Sobecki


Help those who cannot help themselves. 

Helping victims of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian

and storms of all types. and forms. 

For the memories, the friends and family on the Gulf Coast.

                       World Central Kitchen

                               Click on Link

American Red Cross

click link -

Sanibel - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

( Sanibel, Captiva and other Islands in the Gulf

have been decimated)

Atlantic City - The Band ( B. Springsteen)

Shelter From The Storm -B. Dylan

All Things Must Pass - G. Harrison

Sail On Sailor - Beach Boys

Sail On - Mary Black

I can See Clearly Now - J. Nash

Fiona - Fantastic Cat


Copyright 2022 JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved

( Thanks to D. Gaugin, B. Dylan, B. Springsteen, T. Merton and friends and family for the inspiration)

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

541: An Epistle from Some Distant Tomorrow

"I urge you to please notice when you are happy, 

and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 

"If this isn't nice I don't know what is." 

- ManWithout a Country ,  K. Vonnegut



541: An Epistle from Some Distant Tomorrow

( It wasn't too long ago that the following letter suddenly appeared in an odd shaped tattered 
envelope on the coffee table next to a new mysterious coffee cup ring stain.)

My Dear Friend,

It is hard to explain how unexpected time jumping for me has become as normal as clearing 
post nasal drip in the throat before speaking. It is uncontrollable and what , where , 
when and why the jump happens, to a deep past or some unforeseen distant future, 
cannot be anticipated. Lately the present never seems to be here and now. One breath 
this body and mind is in one place and time and a breath or two later everything is changed.
You see some aliens from a planet 446,120,000,000,000,000 miles from earth said this tired
traveller was one who had won the lottery where they would conduct some experiments 
while gifting me with the ability to time jump.So, here are a few questions and 
observations that might bring some clarity to someone somewhere sometime, 
if there is an interest..

The aliens made a sincere hint that "There is love enough in this world
for everyone, if people would just look"? Also, there is more enough food , shelter , 
medicine and health care for every living creature. They remain concerned
about why didn't anyone ever figure out how and why so called Homo Sapiens 
created borders and hoard resources ? What benefit is there in that? They continually ask 
why this traveller would seriously consider returning to  planet  earth permanently.

It wouldn't be appropriate to mention in detail what the near and distant future holds for those 
on planet earth. Some hearing what I have to say may be too overjoyed and forget the
point of their existence and what needs to be done while others might become so depressed
that getting out of bed would become a painful chore. Does everyone really believe in your 
time that the world can continue to behave without experiencing extreme consequences 
for the greed, the ignorance, arrogance, hate, violence and the obvious carelessness as to 
how others and Mother Nature are treated? Do most forget about living with 
compassion, mercy, selflessness, caring and service to others? No one , no thing is perfect, 
yet , one can continue to try to be authentic and be complete . 
How is it that so many seem to just give up?

Everything changes right? Well, this pilgrim has little confidence that things may not improve
if certain changes do not take place soon . Somedays this concern explodes this feeble mind
worrying about  the world and what's up next for our grandchildren and their grandchildren. 
I haven't seen the planet's finale but the trend is dubious at best and yet there just may be 
that ever so-slight flicker of optimism that remains. 

These aliens have hinted that the notion of a mystical magical divine light 
or energy is the essence of everything in the universe 
is in fact one real truth of the universe.This most holy of holy DNA resides in all aspects 
of creation and if we are present enough we can listen to and sense the great sanctification.
They are concerned though how certain "homo sapiens" seem to portray 
themselves and their interpretations of the cosmos as the "only right" answer or method 
and how their picture of the divine is the perfect picture of their "right God."
Actually they think it sad and simultaneously humorous that humans would
conjure such perspectives, dogmas and rigid practices about a supreme entity.
They say "all one has to do is listen and be present. Wherever you are there you are"
They added,"It's simple, follow your bliss and be happy since you are beloved.
So then...  love yourself, others, be humble and be grateful ."

And so it goes.

Until next time then. Whenever that is.

Your Friend, 


PS Here are Some videos that might help in your potential contemplation about the above note.
 Shape of Stories - K. Vonnegut

 Follow Your Bliss - J. Campbell
 B. Murray - Mark Twain Prize(watch to end)

Who am I?- G. Harrison

Live Forever - D Holcombe                                                                          

 Across the Universe - The Beatles

Who Will Speak - M Haugen

What is true happiness?

                    and one for the road
                     just clap along!
                        Happy - Pharrell                                                                                


(Thank you to David , Lou P ,  Kurt Vonnegut, Madeleine L'Engle,
Joseph Campbell and Jon Kabat-Zinn for the inspirations)


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC  All Rights  Reserved

Happy Birthday GG!

Monday, August 1, 2022

Aspects of The Great Chain of Being: A Few Considerations

" St. Bonaventure taught that to work up to loving God ( having a complete experience with the divine), start by loving the very humblest and simplest of things, and then move up from there."

 - Richard Rohr

(*Note:  Every aspect of creation is interconnected and interdependent. The Divine is that ineffable eternal spark, that perpetual ever-present sacred DNA in all creation . Just because one does not completely comprehend the simplicity and yet majesty of the universe does not mean the sanctity of everything does not exist.) 

"The love of the divine ( that eternal spark ) creates in us such a being that when truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person ( any other aspect of creation). In the sight of the divine ( the light of all people creation , are connected ) and are one."

- Julian of Norwich

"Your grandfather once told me it was ok to think about what you want to be until it was time

to start doing what you were meant to do"

- The Rookie

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous"

- A. Einstein 



The Great Chain of Being: Considerations

Consider Beethoven upon completing 

The fourth Movement (Ode to Joy) of his Ninth Symphony

Saying the full orchestra was not needed .

Since the first chair violinist was the best musician,

Only one instrument would suffice.

What is the sound of a violinist playing notes without an instrument?

Listen to the sound of one hand clapping.

What if there was no space or rest between notes, 

Is there music ?

Is the silence the one great connector of everything?

The internet reported Ringo releasing

A solo collection of the Beatles greatest hits

With only the sound of the drum tracks for each song.

Did Monet think how a single water lily would be enough?

Why use more paint than necessary?

Imagine Whitman after writing "Oh me oh my..." thinking additional words

Would be a potential distraction .

What if Papa Hemingway, tired of standing,

Pulled the ribbon from his weary worn typewriter after just a few words,

Silently self scrutinizing ," I only write what I know."

What about the teacher who directs the lesson

To just one of a class of 23 students

The remaining 22 being less attentive, 

Possibly less smart and maybe not as good looking?

Is there that mother loving, feeding and nurturing 

Just one of her hungry children?

Is meditating on blades of grass or egrets in the shallows

A waste of time and effort?

Would there be any future plants 

If the wind suddenly refused to blow seeds from one landscape to another?

Can the beach have an ocean without tides or waves?

Who decided why bees, other incects and critters

Play critical roles in pollination , rebirth and resurgence

With the magical result of feeding the world?

How do sailors who circumnavigate solo 

Know where they are headed if there are no stars

Or have no electronic navigation once created 

In a lab in New Jersey by a lonely 

Over caffeinated frustrated scientist?

Did Edison consider  the result of a Gallup poll questioning 

IF electric light was truly necessary?

Do you know any humble sentient beings grateful for the inspiration 

That motivated Dionysus to make grapes into wine?

Do we only give love if there is a guarantee of love being reciprocated?

- JF Sobecki


( Sometimes simplicity is the perfect place to start and sometimes it is the answer)


Aimless Love 

This morning as I walked along there lake shore

I fell in love with a wren

and later in the day with a mouse

the cat had dropped under the dining room table.

In the shadows of an autumn evening,

I fell for a seamstress

still at her machine in the tailor's window

and later for a bowl of broth,

steam rising like smaoke from a naval battle.

This is best kind of love, I thought

without recompense, without gifts,

or unkind words, without suspicion,

or silence on the telephone.

The love of the chestnut

the jazz cap and one hand on the wheel.

Bo lust, no slam on the door--

the love of the miniature orange tree,

the clean white shirt, the hot evening shower,

the highway that cuts across Florida.

No waiting , no huffiness, or rancor-

just a twinge every now and then

for the wren who had built her nest

on a low branch overhanging the water

and for the dead mouse,

still dressed in its light brown suit.

But my heart is always standing on its tripod,

ready for the next arrow.

After I carried the mouse by the tail

to a pile of leaves in the woods,

I found myself standing at the bathroom sink

gazing down affectionately at the soap.

so patient and soluble,

so at home in its pale green soap dish.

I could feel myself falling again

as I felt its turning in my wet hands

and caught the scent of lavender and stone.

- Billy Collins


                                                                    Water Lilles - C. Monet      



                                     Beethoven 9th Symphony - Movement IV - "Ode to Joy"

                    Bernstein Conducts NY SymphonyA Fanfare For The Common Man - A. Copeland


                                                            Part of The Plan - D. Fogelberg                       


                                                           Shower the People - J. Taylor                                       


                                 My Lord - Michael Franti, Bono, Don Henley, and Jeff Skoll 


                                       God's Grandeur - G. Manley Hopkins ( read by S. Kunitz)


Life Itself - G. Harrison

                                                                   Oh Very Young - Yusuf


                                                    Is This Heaven?  - Field of Dreams


                                               Egrets - Breathe and be Mindful - "Sacrament"

Little Egg Harbor Religious Society of Friends Monthly Meeting House
Quaker - One of the Oldest Houses of Worship in Ocean County NJ


Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Thursday, June 30, 2022

My Camino : Sanctuary of Safe Harbors

"As if summoned by seagulls, we come back to the beach where we can cast off the shoes and our everyday cares tell time by the tides and live in the moment .

Our search for shells an echo of childhood and the surf's refrain is music remembered "


     - author unknown


Sometimes the Sanctuary of Safe Harbors

Sometimes the world's chaotic madness 

Seems to be spinning out of control.

Sometimes  a pilgrimage on one's Camino

Storms of all types and sizes surge within and without.

Sometimes seeking sanctuary of safe harbors 

Is considered an escape , a desire for refuge,

A place for security,

A need for retreat and sanctification.

Verdant spaces, beaches, retreats, houses of prayer -

Holy safe haven places all - simple sacramental space.

Even Lake Wobegonites had their 'Storm Homes'.

The great teacher and other mystics comprehend

The cosmic nature within the universe

And the maginifence of the light

That nourishes and bathes searchers

Desiring solitude,

The consolation and the illumination 

Found in the serenity and the solemnity 

Of everything and everyone.

Sitting in the stillness and silence

Savoring the ascent of the promised perpetual peace.

Another miracle for the grateful, 

The present , and mindful to the wonder - the beauty

Of the mystical truth.


- JF Sobecki (2022)


Exit Zero

What is that voice, that essence, that power

That calls to wayward wandering sailor pilgrims?

What is the source of their uncontrolled

yearning to travel to that safe harbor ?

What is this place, this home of serenity and solitude,

Where the voice of God becomes the wind itself

That blows the sand and salt air and provides lift for coasting gulls

And puffs the sails of all that venture to the great sea?

What is this place that finds a way to nourish equally all

The spirits who are present ?

What is this place where both the sunrise and sunsets 

Are majestic providing immediate consolation 

to all the hearts who turn to the horizon?

What is this lighthouse that can be seen by any eyes 

Of seafaring spirits who dare to see or

What is this lifeboat always ready for any swimmer who struggles with

The tides that come in and go out ?

What is this place that is free from the hurricanes

And storms regardless  of their source or nature?

How is it that in this place the sound of the surf magically

Soothing souls and the sand on the beach relieves

The burden of wearied travelers?

It is said that essence of joy and hope reside in this place.

Nourishment, revitalization, re-energizing, relief, inspiration,

relaxation  and redemption are just a few of the gifts

of this perpetual retreat that has always been and always will be.

This place of origin and endings, this source of peace

And love…. The alpha and omega.

Nature’s cathedral , sacred space , holy ground….

They call it Exit O….

JF Sobecki  (2012 - previously posted on this blog))


                                              Storm Home - Lake Wobegon - G. Keilor


                                                               Santiago - David Whyte


                                                              Finisterre - D. Whyte

                                                        These Are Days - V. Morrison

                                                            The Beach - The Avett Brothers


                                                   I Have a Need For Solitude - MC Carpenter

                                                 Hard Times Come Again No More - J Taylor


                                                    How Can A Poor Man Live - R Cooder


Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

"Simplicity, Integrity, Peace , Community , Equality , Stewardship"