Friday, March 31, 2023

Canticle: The Unravelling

A Video Intro


 And Then he drifted about- two nights, two days


By the surging waves , and heart looked


   straight in the face.

But when the Dawn with her lovely braids brought

   the third day into the world

The wind died down and a calm , clear and still,


 - The Odyssey , Homer ( Translated by Daniel Mendelsohn)

The Inspiration :

( In Remembrance of  all the children - who have tragically suffered injury and death 

 because of gun violence, especially those who were supposed to be safe in our schools...

.... and their families)

The Writing:

( There are no real words of understanding or true consolation. )

Canticle: The Unravelling

He said "You have your religion

And I have mine.

I'm praying really hard

And we're running out of time.

You say you're looking ahead

And me deep within,

Neither knowing how to let go

Or where we should begin."

The canons and dogma imprecise

The lines have been drawn 

No peace or rest in paradise 

Thoughts and prayers and no resolve for 6 more gone.... 


[Did not the teacher chastise those who 

place the innocents in harms way?

What is the greatest love one can give another?

Where will the children play? ]

- JF Sobecki


The Poems and Such:

( Poetry etc Reflections on the inspiration)

The Peace of Wild Things - Wendell Berry ( G. Keillor)

The Music:

(Musical reflections on the inspiration)

On the Turning Away - Virginia Gentlemen  Choir

Who Will Speak - M. Haugen

Where Will The Children Play - Yusuf (Cat Stevens)

One - U2 ( Songs of Surrender)

For your meditation if you desire:

Singing Bowl


Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC