Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Mutineer’s New Year Lament

“ For Last Year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.”

- T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets


  1. The quality of state of being conscious or aware of something
  2. The mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present movement , while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings , thoughts, and sensations, used as a therapeutic technique


The Mutineer’s New Year Lament

Forty some odd days into 2020

The mutineer pilgrim and his witness

Commenced on another leg of their journey.

Suddenly without notice or expectation

A distracted traveller squashed into their vessel

Shoving the two into oncoming traffic.

Somehow they survived by a aid of a greater hand

And not mindful they gathered up their baggage to re-continue

Unaware everything was changing.

The mutineer was aware he was born

To be a boat rocker and how

It is said that the trick for a helmsman sailing rough seas

Is to let go of the tiller ( wheel) 

And the boat will somehow right herself.

An old teacher counseled that life is how we are present

And respond to people, events and situations.

But, how is it that migrating birds really know 

Where to precisely go and when?

What of the gliding solo feathered friend?

Is she aimless or is there a true purpose

To her taking advantage of the uplifting wind?

Isn’t the answer of “it’s instinct” to these questions really an excuse that

Homo sapiens really do not understand how the universe works?

No thing stays the same.

No thing brings peace .

All things pass.

The present will be past

And what is next will be present, then past

And on and on until that which is 

Will be no more.

A reclusive monk whispered

“ Your problem is not the problem,

Your reaction is the problem.

Attach yourself to no thing.”

It is said institutions of all sizes and purpose

Attempt to initiate constructs

To control how pilgrims stay within the lines

Assuring some semblance of societal order.

Artificial propositions and musings

Propose the prospect of reward or success for 

Accumulating things and behaving 

According to the design of others

Are really not important to any other part of creation.

The exception , Lonely sapiens,

Trying with every breath to make sense of every thing

Believing that plans will get them what they need and 

Where they need to be.

Meanwhile the mutineer pilgrim and the witness continue 

Their meditations on the flight of the sacred soarers of the skies -

Being , loving , peacefulness and authenticity 

As these are what matter in the end,

As they sail on… to peace, the divine…

             into the new year.

- JF Sobecki


A Few songs for mutineers and pilgrims

Mutineer - Jason Isbell & Amanda Shires ( W. Zevon)

Peace Divine - Jackson Browne ( L. Songberg)

All Things Must Pass - George Harrison

Love and Mercy - Jeff Tweedy ( B. Wilson)


Sail On - Mary Black (D. Gaughin)


Dedicated to the real heroes

Recalculate, Recalculate - 

-JF Sobecki(D. Arn and JF Sobecki)



Copyright 2021 All Rights reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Monday, November 30, 2020

Adventus Lauds

" ...Now darkness only stays the nighttime

In the morning it will fade away.

Daylight is good at arriving at the right time 

It's not always going to be this gray..."

- All Things Must Pass , G. Harrison

Merton Christmas Prayer

 Into this world, this demented inn

in which there is no room for him at all,

But because he cannot be at home in it,

because he is out of place in it

and yet he must be in it,

His place is with those who do not belong, 

who are rejected by power because

they are regarded as weak,

those who are discredited,

who are denied status of persons.

who are tortured, bombed and exterminated

with those for whom there is no room,

Christ is present in this world.

- Thomas Merton

The Holy Longing

Tell a wise person, or else keep silent

because the mass man will mock it right away.

I praise what is truly Alive.

What longs to be burned to death.

In the calm water of the love-nights,

where you were begotten, where you have begotten,

a strange feeling comes over you,

when you see the silent candle burning.

Now you are no longer caught in the obsession with darkness,

and a desire for higher love-making sweeps you upward.

Distance does not make you falter.

Now, in arriving in magic, flying.

and finally insane for the light,

you are the butterfly and you are gone.

And so long as you haven't experienced this: to die and so to grow,

you are a troubled guest on the dark earth.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Robert Bly

Let the Angels sing



 Adventus Lauds

So in this time of waiting;

Pandemic never ending, elections denied -

No lives seem to matter,

The pilgrim pondered,

"Are not all gifts blessings and

all blessings gifts and if this is not true

how does any of this matter?

Is not all creation a gift of unconditional love

to live in total love , peace and hope?"

The usual suspect's father once confided

"Blessed are the peacemakers as they 

shall see God first."

The sherpa quietly packed the bags

for the journey with a mantra

that he would only instruct

the novice pilgrims in the ways of peace.

Do you ever wonder from what seed was narcissism, greed and violence born?

Were we not to share everything for the common welfare

of all creation?

Is the creed such that sentient beings are gifted breath 

and life to only benefit themselves?

As so with every ending comes a new beginning.

The ashes of the recent passage

leads to the spark ever-present that we rekindle

deep within the mystery of our own souls

where the common DNA found in the great teacher

illuminates again with hope, light , peace, compassion , mercy and love.

- JF Sobecki


Journey of the Magi - TS Eliot ( read by Hugh Laurie)

Seasons Best Ad ( Message)

Getting Ready - P. Simon

The Cry of a Tiny Babe - B. Cockburn

Do They Know It's Christmas

The True Meaning of Christmas Charlie Brown

Live Peace- Teach Peace - Be Peace- Colman McCarthy


Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy explained how it was "Christmas" and explained further that this was the time of year to "spread joy, caring, compassion, giving, peace and love."

Charlie Brown wondered to Lucy "Why do we do these things at "Christmastime" and why can't we do these things and be that way all year round?"Lucy yelled at Charlie Brown , "What are you some type of religious fanatic?"

Now sit back relax and watch the full film version of"Scrooge" with Alistair Sim ( 1951)

"Business" cried the Ghost, wringing his hands again."Mankind was my business.The common welfare was my business: charity, mercy, forebearance and benevolence, were all my business.The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business"

    - The Ghost of Jacob Marley, A Christmas Carole , C, Dickens


Hope you are all safe and well.

Merry Peace-filled Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!


Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Dream of One Fine Day

"But the effect of her being those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric act; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully, a hidden life , and rest in unlisted tombs."

                      - George Eliot -  last quote in the film "The Hidden Life" by Terrence Malick

 " If God gives us free will we are responsible for what we do and what we fail to do, aren't we?"

                                                                - F. Jagerstatter


Trick Or Treat : The Dream of One Fine Day

And there the pilgrim was again

On the road to nowhere

It seemed like a place he had been

At least 71 times before.

Or was it 72 , 25 or a dream loop?

He was growing tired of keeping count.

Mitchell's carousel of time

Was picking up speed.

Well, something was going faster.

The virus had hit the fan

And yet the so called deniers 

Were keeping the grave count low

As if to say "hope is found by avoiding the truth."

They asked "What are the Wokes smoking?"

Were they all ignorant of the global caste system

And that no one sentient being is worth more or

More privileged than another?

The demons of the seasonal exercise of elections

Had reared their ugly heads again

Promulgating myths and false promises

Forcing the lost sheep to choose one side or the other

While multiple paths remain unexplored.

The Good Shepherd watched disheartened

From the bleachers.

A tattered banner hanging by a thread read,

"Vote for the wrong candidate and all hope is gone!"

Yet, on this feast of the All Hallows,

The Eve of All Saints and the 

Eve of the Eve of All souls

It was either "Trick or Treat."

This prodigal pilgrim's mask frayed and tattered

He sacramentally opened a favorite

Consecrated chocolate bar anticipating the 

Magnificent sweetness of redemption and blessedness.

As he prepared himself for this communion -

Eyes closed and bowed head solemnly 

A small piece of paper

Mystically slide out from the candy's wrapper.

( on it a revelatory message)

"When we look in the eyes of our children

and hopefully that day when we do the same with our grandchildren

do each of them know the depth and substance of our unconditional love?

Do they realize we do not expect anything in return?

There is no expectation for adoration for our desire for their continued well being, peace and love.

Truth in love is given freely and completely.

It is the way with our spouse , dearest friends and the way of the universe.

Do we stop loving others when the night falls upon them

or the unexpected storms sweep across our world as we experience it ?

The teacher once suggested that "When another's peace and happiness is your

peace and happiness- that is love."

And added for good measure "When we desire peace and love for those who do

not know peace and love - that too is love."

Remember desire is a term longing for what the heaven's bring - 

"de sidere" "de sire"( of the father )

[A strong impulse for something deep inside you to flourish.] 

Love is everywhere all times isn't it?

Desire love and know when you feel alone you are loved,

When hope seems a fantasy are loved.

If you ever feel undeserved know you are loved and always will be.

One Fine day you will know "

Somehow the chocolate bar tasted sweeter and it everything was perfect for this moment .

   - JF Sobecki


Note: If you do not see the song YouTube click the link.

One Fine Day - D. Byrne

Show them the Way - Stevie Nicks

Making Do - Lake Street Dive

After The Goldrush -Harris, Rondstadt and Parton

Robin or Wren - J. Tweedy

One more from David Byrne
On the Road to Nowhere- D. Byrne

Jerry Jeff Walker who influenced me finding my own voice
Passed way of saying "Thank you." Rest In Peace

Night Riders Lament - ( still pertinent)- Jerry Jeff Walker

Mr Bojangles - Jerry Jeff


Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Reflection on Now Experiment -10/1/20 0230



     (an experiment in being mindful and preset)

"Time passes quickly. The past cannot be clung to , the future cannot be foreseen. We must do good in the present moment and not concern ourselves with useless things." - M. Ricci

"Presence has no measurable product except positive feelings, feelings of support , intimacy, and happiness. When we stop being busy and productive switch to just being still and aware, we ourselves will also feel support, intimacy, and happiness, even if no one else is around."
- Jan Chozen Bays, "The Gift of Waiting"

A Reflection on Now - 10/1/20 0230

While mindlessly wandering and
Meditating wayward falling leaves
That recurring whisper became clear,
"The greatest gift
On can give another is our time."
Some say the jester called out 
"If the now is called 'the present'
Why can't we ever keep it?"
And that balding revolutionary read aloud
""What good ca I do today?"
Companions of the soldier saint
Suggest an examen everyday.
Their words keep "flowing like rain from a paper cup*"
(And the hits keep comimg)
Songs of the Troubadours seeking answers
Carrying by that wandering wind and
Elijah proclaiming it comes from
the lost cave of God.
Simon's sacred angels seek believers.
'It is the journey
That matters ,right?"
As the mysteries of centuries is revealed
Each road a river and each river a road
Lead thirsting pilgrims
To that sacred sea 
With each breath and beat of the heart 
"Here and Now...Here and Now" 
- JF Sobecki


A short playlist for now 
("No image ? Click on link)

Be Here Now - George Harrison

The Circle Game - Tom Rush (J Mitchell)


Across The Universe -The Beatles

You Set the scene - Love

"This is time that I am living
And I'll face each day with a smile
For the time that I've been
Given's such a little while
And the things that I do consist
of more than style
And the things I must to
Consist of more than style
(There are places that I am going)
There'll be time for you to start all over.


Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC 

(Apologies for the formatting issues)

Monday, August 31, 2020

Words To Admonish the Age 2020: The Sea, Masks, Mirrors of Holiness, Lock Down and Labor Day

"As if summoned by seagulls , we come back to the beach where we can cast off our shoes and our everyday cares, tell time by the tides and live in the moment. Our search for shells an echo of childhood and the surf's refrain is music remembered"

- unknown

“ I am just a poor boy

Though my tor’s seldom told

I have squandered my resistance

For a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises

All lies and jests

Still a man hears what he wants to hear

Ans disregards the rest”

( * After changes we are more or less the same.)

    - The Boxer , P. Simon


Words To Admonish the Age 2020: The Sea, Masks, Mirrors of Holiness, Lock Down and Labor Day

1. Waiting , watching , wondering

The beach at dawn - perfection

Gulls stop their flight

Sandpipers cease their sacred scampering

Creation sanctified

Serenity is creation

Red bead peaks over the horizon

Illumination commences

Waves calmly roll to shore

Baptizing witnessing pilgrims

And any creature ready to receive.

2. The dreamer was confused  

Forty winks felt like forty years

Twenty Five million infected 

Debating masks explodes 

Experts consider options

a.Protect others

b.Protect yourself

c.Flatten the Curve

d.Don’t Change/Don’t Do a Thing

“ I have worn masks of all sorts 

For most of my life and most fear to admit

They have done the same.

So why change now?”

3. Attachments and desires

Distract from the essential purpose.

No thing is needed.

The Dalai Llama spoke

Of how he saw the perfect fruit at the market

He admired imagining it’s perfection -

Sweet, soft and delicious

He possessed  the money to purchase the fruit.

Smiling as he passed it by he knew

This fruit was not need 

For him to be happy or experience peace.

4. Contracted wisemen proclaimed we are

How we see ourselves,

Like to be seen and

How others see us.

“ What does it matter?” He recalled

No reward nor approbation desired

Just authentic being precisely

Who we are intended to be.

Locked down or not,

“Love , serve, be compassionate ,selfless

Trust and hope” implored the master to the mystics.

5.  A spokesperson for the divine revealed

“Make your work your prayer

Your prayer your work”

The therapist retorted,

“Unfortunately most humans believe the two most

Important aspects of one’s life are

‘Work and Love’ and in that order.”

“Surfs up - Be careful out there.”

Lifeguards and beach boys chant.

A wiseman mediating the Scallop’s shell,

“The Passage within is this great Camino,

Many paths lead the soul to the center

Of the magnificent universe.”

  • JF Sobecki


Hope - Wendell Berry

If - Rudyard Kipling

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

Untitled #4 - The Avett Brothers

The Boxer - P/. Simon, J. Baez, R. Thompson

 At The Beach - Avett Brothers


                                              Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC

Friday, July 31, 2020

A Remembrance: Right Now

“Remembrance is a form of meeting”

        - Kahil Gibran


A Remembrance: Right Now


Closing his pilgrim eyes in morning remembrance

Twelve years have sped by since

The first visit to the great cathedral of Boston

With the first one.

Torrential rain ceased and the clouds opened

As the boys of summer took the field

To signal greater miracles to come.

Within days the “fab four” sat in Giant land

As they were serenaded with thousands by the boss.

Suddenly it was the Solemnity of the Company’s founder when

Fr. Gerry bestowed the Sacrament of healing

While Obe Wan Fr. Tom whispered “You know this works.”

Next thing you know the wayfaring stranger's chest 

Cracked opened like a lobster

And a limited undated warranty was provided.

The great “last” kiss Impassioned him to redefine a purpose..

The sun continued to rise and set

Little victories came and went like a holy wind.

The two escaped to the sea seeking paradise.

The prognosticators failed to predict

That dream where a game show host 

Would be the  leader of the free world.

(Right from a Jerzy Kosinski novel.)

Who would have thought the fictious films

“Outbreak” and “Contagion” would become reality

While the king slept in his new clothes?

Quarantined on a viral retreat

Hope seemed at times a tired construct, 

Prayer disconnected  from the divine.

“Why worry and why the anger?

Knuckleheads and evil have been around for a long time.”

Twelve years gone by since repair of the broken heart

The end of the line bypassed temporarily ,

Distractions and meanderings fading

Storms abated…

The exasperation fades , clouds evaporate -

A gleam illuminates the truth , the heart sees

 …. serenity and love is everywhere.

   - JF Sobecki


Wild Geese - Mary Oliver

Wayfaring Stranger

Love is Everywhere- Wilco

Victory - Avett Brothers

Little Victories - JD Souther

A now a little uplifting music so TURN IT UP LOUD ! and Stand up!

All These Things I have Done - The Killers

Ok Now for real....TURN IT UP LOUDER AND DANCE!!!

What are you afraid of?


Soul Shoes - Graham Parker

Pics from 12 years ago

                                          First Trip To Fenway 2008

The Fab Four at Bruce Concert 2008

Post Surgery "Heart Walk" with Family and Friends 2008


Copyright All Rights Reserved 2020 JF Sobecki LLC