Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Pilgrim's Pondering ( Christmas 2011 )

The pilgrim read the news today. “Oh boy,” he thought as he saw the headlines. Economic downturn and spiraling unemployment figures in waring blenderized calculations indicated for economists and politicians a prediction that the worst is yet to come. The words were clear for anyone to see, ”Christmas may not come this year.”

He just had to laugh. Though his friend had blown his mind out of fear of that black hole of despair, (“no faith-no courage”, some said,) it is not what the pilgrim understood in the good books he had read .The lights had changed but it really didn’t matter. Victory is not celebrated with the abundant accumulation of things. Contrary to current catechesis for communicants grace will not thrive in only those who have achieved the most points.

In the beginning the pilgrim misunderstood. The words were good but often became muddled and confusing by translators who had their own agenda to support. His Obe Wan once consoled him, “It is the birth of love that matters. It is the nourishing the love within and with others that is the point. There is nothing you do but you can learn how to be you in time - its easy. All you need is one thing.“

It is fine and the sun shines even if there are clouds overhead. Lonely winters too come to an end. The fool was said to have said, “You have to know the dark to see the light.” Well, whoever said it was right you know.

The three wise men, actually two males and a female who were therapists in disguise, appeared in a dream and told the pilgrim of how they readied themselves for their busy season.

The first one said, “ The waiting for that one joyful day and moment is too frustrating for some, especially when that day gets here and it is much like any other day“

The second added, ”The problem is that most humans bought into the promise that worldly success will set them free and bring them peace and happiness.”

The third concluded “The real gifts of grace aren’t under a tree in December.”

The Pilgrim knew he would carry the weight of what was read and heard. There was only one word and one-way ….to get back home – love.

[One of my favorite comic strips is “Peanuts.” It is a vehicle that helps me laugh and be reflective at the same time. In one particular strip that appeared around this time of year Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy explained how it was "Christmas" and she explained further that this was the time of year to "spread joy, caring, compassion, giving and love." Charlie Brown wondered to Lucy, "Why do we just do these things at Christmastime and why can't we do those things all year round?" Lucy yelled at Charlie Brown "What are you some type of religious fanatic?!"]

                            Do they Know its Christmas? ( Feed The World)

"Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"

                                                    " Peace and goodwill to all..."


Friday, November 4, 2011

Lesson 47: Sometimes unforeseen storms are just what are needed to clear away the clutter.

“ You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows "
             -       Bob Dylan

So who would of ever considered that a simple weekend respite would be changed overnight by the miscalculation of overpaid meteorologist? The Pilgrim’s prospective plans purposely and pointedly put off out of self-preservation. The pshawed snowflakes magically materialized into wind driven two feet of white wet blankets. Some found the weight too much to bear. It wasn’t just the leaves and branches that bent or snapped. No things ever stay the same.

Self-important businessman grumped at the bagel shop. The locals waiting to be warmed by a fresh hot java were surrounded by his hot air. The pompous protestor piously pontificated about the ineptitude of everyone…. forecasters flubbed, electric companies unprepared, politicians corrupted , the inconsiderateness of God and a requisite shot at Wall Street Occupiers who probably had something to do with his current state. No heat, no power, no shower…how dare he be inconvenienced like this…doesn’t anyone know who he is? Not really and nor did anyone care.

Embarrassed, the pilgrim slipped away in silence as the chronic complainer’s concerns recalled a scintilla of his own unspoken similar sentiments. He deflected,

“Where were Mother Nature’s favorites in all of this? “

Angelic footprints of faith-filled fawns were found marking their fearless passage in the virginal white 19” deep blanket .Some predawn feathered winged friend soloed a song  of welcome to the morning just breaking. A few branches creaked as they cracked eventually finding the earth below scattering the rummaging nut gathering squirrels.

The all hallowed-eve cherub costumed confectionary collectors were tricked and the anticipatory celebration of treats would be postponed.   A few souls departed to join those liturgically memorialized with a few saints, their intercessions unknown and interventions unseen. One million sentient beings believed they lost power. They only lost worldly comfort. They never realized the power they really had. The pilgrim wondered,

“Are faith, trust, love and mercy just words scripted between the lines in belief that their being written is the only needed proof of their existence? “

No rooms at the inns. Even the lowly stable had a “no vacancy” sign posted as it waited for the newly wedded couple to arrive while on their long journey of redemption. A once “Jedi-in-training” posted publicly his gratitude for Maslow’s first three levels being satisfied.  Other wandering nomads commiserated their plights of their odysseys as the paths of the pilgrims continued to coincidentally intersect.

The first one and the other one there made for the coast listening to the three they admired most. The first one then bowed his head as he smiled reading cyber-spaced deliveries from concerned companions. The best offered shelter from the storm and a member of the band sent forth word that he safely made it back to the beach.

It wasn’t until the breaking of bread in the city of Brotherly Love that true gratefulness was experienced and he realized that home was not a place.

                                                              (Click picture to play )

                                                        "Home, home, where I wanted to go..."
