Running on a dark race course
I'm a blue moon
Since I stepped out of the womb
I've been a cool jerk
Looking for the source
I'm a dark horse"
- Dark Horse , G. Harrison
"We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being.We think when we are not doing anything are wasting our time.
But that is not true. Our time is first of all to be.
To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving.And that is what the world needs most"
- Thich Nhat Hanh
The Motion
Some say seasickness is self sabotage.
The perpetual perplexed pilgrim was presented to the great teacher.
"A sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind ( the breath of the great divine),"
Whispered the wonder-filled wiseman.
Sometimes it is not the storms that frighten us
But the constant rising and lowering of the magnificent
Seemingly uncontrollable waves,
Rocking and severely heeling fragile unprepared vessels.
Stomachs churn inside out while scaring the most adventurous of spirits.
Healthy tolerance of ambiguity and reasonable locus of control
Get lost on Homo Sapiens focused on worldly promises of "success"
By abiding to a preprogrammed plotted course - come hell or high water.
The best charted passages and the most scientific analytics
Of future forecasts and anticipations are often at best "wish lists."
Not knowing and the worry about what's next fuel
The flames of fear and self doubt.
Leading weak egos to the wearing of masks 24/7.
It has never been about what one does,
What one has accumulated or not or one's
Desires or accomplishing long term goals.
Isn't it about how you do what you do,
Turning the page the message is clear
"You don't need a reason to help people."
A companion once confided that the more love
One gives to others is the best way to honor their own journey.
The experienced navigators and scientific prognosticators
Sometimes might volunteer and become defensive about their imperfection.
Futurists craft visions in their anticipation
But their calculations and projected forecasts
Are never quite one hundred percent accurate.
Homo sapiens are not as bright as we say they are .
How significant is it that Hemingway may have reported disdain
About the fog he encountered and getting off course sailing
From Key West to Cuba?
The tide comes in and out.
No need to get seasick . Panic helps no one.
Be grateful, authentic and precisely who we are
Meant to be.
Savor the sanctifying serenity that is ever-present
Even if we get shaken by the motion
And remain constant sandpipers .
- JF Sobecki
Sandpipers - Cathleen Engelsen |
Just The Motion - R. Thompson
Wasted on The Way - Crosby,Stills and Nash
Will People Ever See It - G. Harrison
What Makes a Good Life - R.Waldinger
Til I Die 0 Beach Boys
Beware of Darkness - G. Harrison
A Labor Day Song ( for all who work - and my dad R.I.P.)
Factory - B.Springsteen