Sunday, October 31, 2021

Aspects of the Profound : Query and Advice

" If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do and what we fail to do"

                       - F. Jagerstatter, A Hidden Life

" Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship"

                               ( Not Complicated )


"If every human on the planet

and all the buildings on it

Should disappear

Would a zebra grazing in the African Savannah

Care enough to shed a zebra tear?"

 - P. Simon, Questions for the Angels


Aspects of the Profound: Query and Advice

(On An Invitation from Friends)

A Pilgrim's ponderings proceeded to propose 

A series of  propositions about purpose.

The glorious gleam from the fire - pit flame illuminated

The sacred space for seekers who were ready to receive.

Warmed and filled with the light...

The Emmaus Pilgrims exchange explored how impertinent contrivers

Mandated that since is is difficult 

To solve a Rubik's Cube problem 

The most uncomplicated resolution seemed to be 

To Secure a simple easy swift solution - 

Rather than trusting and being present to the solvable.

Much like Kunitz's layers indicated - the journey has not ended,

Finding the perfect vacant wall a subway troubadour scribed a grafiti-ed  message

"If you think I am too liberal just wait until you meet Jesus."

The teacher queried  the pilgrim if he could ever prove that the pilgrim's mother

loved him completely and unconditionally. 

The pilgrim sighed , "I can't prove it but I do know it. I have experienced it."

The teacher then replied , " True, then why do you constantly demand tangible 

Proof of the all-encompassing presence and love of the light? 

Open your heart . It is window to your soul."

The prodigal pilgrim pleaded " I have belief , help my unbelief."

His course was charted even though there is no knowing what would be next or why.

During an 8 day sequestered sanctuaried silent retreat 

The pilgrim supplicated to the teacher.

"I am confused.This is a waste of time. I am not getting it."

The teacher said "Go have your cigar and take a walk in silence."

Sun setting leaves its last flash of the consecrated farewell glow 

When without warning suddenly a rangale of deer

Stood staring surrounding the pilgrim silently saying

Without words "Why do you worry? This is holy ground."

He dashed off from the seraphim to find the teacher.

Upon reporting the incident the teacher responded,

"That deer have always been there. You have just been too busy

Trying to make a retreat to see them . Let it go . Let it be.

Let the retreat make you."

The pilgrim was on the way to find out.

The sacred simply sanctifies seekers who keep 

Their inner ears to hear and their yearning hearts open to receive,

A gentle exhale of a Friend gently opened that mystical door

With an unexpected invitation,

...and hesitantly , cautiously and faith filled

The pilgrim proceeded through the portal.

It seemed that all the souls and spirits of Friends

From that the past and present were gathered

At the historic blessed Meeting House

Have been waiting for the seeker to arrive,

His own spirit sighed with a smile as he read

The weathered worn wooden sign .... 

... "All are welcome."


          -  JF Sobecki



                                             Little Egg Harbor Friends Meeting House 

Franz Jagerstatter, a Roman Catholic and conscientious objector ,  refused to serve in the Nazi Army in WW II. He was abandoned by his church and he was beheaded by the Nazi's for being a non-compliant traitor. He was recently canonized as a saint by the same church that abandoned him 50 years earlier.

A Hidden Life

Questions for The Angels - P.Simon



                                                   Who Will Speak - M. Haugen

                                              Morning Has Broken - C. Stevens


No Hard Feelings - The Avett Brothers

Simple Gifts - A. Kraus and Yo Yo Ma

If you have not seen the movie "Yesterday"
But message is a good one.


                                                    Let It Be - The Beatles

(Ok -One More Time)
One Fine Day - D.Byrne

The Layers - S. Kunitz


                                                             Matt 25: 35-40


Copyright 2021 JF Sobecki All Rights Reserved


                                                                         Matt 25: 35 - 40

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Songs of The Empty Boat - Reflections from Chesapeake bay

Since he judges no one
No one judges him
Such is the complete man
His boat is empty
- Chang Tzu

We are all part of human society
So the purpose of our lives is not to make trouble
but to serve others in any way we can.
We are all driven by self-interest to some extent
but cultivating concern for others is
a wise way of fulfilling our own self-interest
- The 14th Dalai Lama


The Songs of the Empty Boat
(Reflections from Chesapeake Bay)

The vagabond's lament of being stuck inside of Mobile
Rings true about the constructs that have been force fed
By the greedy leaders and false soap box prophets.
Still rivers continue to flow filling the sea
Returning to clouds and rain 
To fill the streams and rivers.
Yet the cost to enter that Magic Kingdom
Is one big contrived plot to ensure only wrist-banded souls
Are welcomed through the golden gates..
How does one spend the gifted 1440 ... so many wasted moments.
Madman continue the promulgated commandments
Most which have been found to be redundant.
The Judges tell us not to judge.
Podium and pulpit prognosticators teach right and wrong
And that those who are on the right side are the ones eligible
To have their tickets punched.
Carnies proclaim that ringing the bell
Is only half the battle as the carousel and brass rings await.
Disciples of Mason and Dixon continue to contrive borderlines.
While wanderers and mystics continue to search for monasteries of solitude
In valleys along the razor's edge.
Monastic mantra carried by the loving wind whispers for ears to hear,
"We sweep up the leaves that have fallen but we do not hate the trees
For dropping them."
Leaving the casino empty handed
The troubadour wails
"Whatever ever happened
To ' Love all , Serve All' "?
Settling in as the sun's last blood orange glow rests on the bay
He meditates on the empty boat just off the shoreline,
Sacred serenity soothes the spirit
Being is -  being present , loving all and letting go.

- JF Sobecki


The mayor once was quoted as saying ,
"Why is it that we blame our problems on the poor and marginalized or those who look or believe differently? How can one pick themselves up from their boot straps when they don't have any boots to wear?"


The Songs - ( a setlist that played while the blog was pieced together)

" The only truth is music blends with the great universe and we forget the brain beat."
                       - J. Kerouac

" Silence is the canvas for music and the result is evidence of the divine."

Wristband - P. Simon

In My Life - J. Collins (Lennon and McCartney)

Love and Mercy -  B. Wilson

( So appropriate - Children singing this classic)

Higher Love - S. Winwood

Watching the Wheels- John Lennon

Murder in The City - The Avett Brothers

Memory Lane - V. Morrison

Wasted Days - J. Mellencamp/ B. Springsteen

One Word Peace - Subdudes

Here Me Lord - G. Harrison

Stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues - B. Dylan

Across the Universe - The Beatles


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved - JF Sobecki LLC