Monday, July 1, 2024

Impermanence and the Eternal Now

"(Schopenhauer suggests)Just as you have met those in your life by 
chance became agents of the structure of your life, so you have 
become an agent to help
in the structuring of the lives of others....
.... follow your bliss - there is something inside you 
that knows if you are on the beam or
when your off the beam ... 
('this moment now is the heavenly moment')"
    - J.Campbell

 "If a problem is fixable, if the situations is such that
 you can do something about
there is no need to worry. If the problem is not fixable ,then there is
no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worry at all."
- Dalai Lama

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"
      - John lennon

The Inspiration:

So, there the pilgrim pirate stood as the plan he had conjured
seemed to be ready to have the specified grains of multi-colored
sand fall into place into a yet to be designed great mystical Mandala.
Before he could exhale a sacred wind swept in dispersing the sand
in the blink of an eye changing everything
He was stuck in the moment.
Slowly the reality of his attachment evaporated.
The voice of his master sherpa echoed in the distance
" Not to decide is to decide.All things change, you know "
The pilgrim chose to be awake to the present and let go.

The Writing:

Impermanence and the Eternal Now

The words loop into an infinite mantra,
"Let it be simple and let it be ."
There is no need to choose between Simon of Cyrene,
Dismas or even Trina's caterpillar.
Mary wrote that the final instruction
from Buddha was "Make yourself a light."
Students of Siddartha suggest that the teacher's
last word was simple - "Care." 
Do any of the discrepancies really matter in the end?
Does not the universe experience
the comings and goings of every star?
Does the recent trimmed blade of grass
refuse to grow again?
Do trees mourn autumn
or over-celebrate spring?
Whatever this moment is -
Whatever state you are in -
Mindfulness , presence and being 
the authentic compassionate creation 
is what matters -  isn't it?
- JF Sobecki


"Poetry is the window to the soul"

"For us there is only the trying. The rest is not our business."
 - T.S. Eliot

"Poetry is an act peace. Peace goes into the making of a poet
as flower goes into the making of bread."
 - P. Neruda

 O Me! O Life!

Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring
Of the endless trains of the faithless of cities fill'd with
   rage foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more
   foolish than I , and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light , of the objects mean,
   of the struggle ever renew'd ,
Of the poor results of all , of all the plodding and sordid
   crowds I see around,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest
   me intertwined.
The question , O me! so sad recurring---What good
   amid these , O me O life?

That you are here ---that life exists and identity
That the powerful play goes on, and you may
   contribute a verse.

- W. Whitman


Did you ever hear a song or musical piece that seems
to speak to you and the light becomes more than you ever imagined
and for that moment you find peace?

Be Here Now - G. Harrison

My Cousin Caterpillar - Incredible String Band

Across the Universe - The Beatles


Some additional pieces or grains sand to consider:

The Eternal Principle - J. Campbell

Eternity is The Ever Present Now

One more - Just Because

The Rescue Blues - R. Adams


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