"It is not who I'm underneath but what I do that defines me"
- Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)
"I am what I am and that's all that I am"
- Popeye
"It all turns out well.How?I don't know. It's a mystery."
- Shakespeare in Love (movie)
The Inspiration:
How is it that just when one needs a lifting up something happens
completely by surprise? No plan or strategic moves could ever
predict or anticipate a mystical magical embrace by the universe
as if to say , "Don't worry , no need to be perfect , just be your
authentic self, be selfless , generous and let go being present to the now.
You are good. You're ok ."
Pilgrims wonder and wander. Somehow every so often a recollection
of a grace-filled experience is re-ignited . That ineffable incident from
that solitudinal passage seems to have a life
of it's own emerging from the deepest darkest secret soul
at a time when a light is needed .
Just like that the spirit is immersed back in that memorable moment,
Abundant consolation , the transcendental reunion washes over
the spirit as if the occasion is a sacred resurrection.
A Labor Day Reflection: Gratitude
In the hour of not quite dawn the pilgrim
stood solo in the queue in the most empty cavern
of the post modern airport. A man and a woman busied themselves
with paperwork with a just waking solo ticket agent.
The unusual looking glasses on the male could not hide
his identity. A giant in his field of work this 5'6" singer
was recognized by the pilgrim.
The pilgrim cautiously and quietly moved his lips
as he caught the eye of this celebrity carrying his baggage.
"Bono?", his lips queried.
The found out passenger nodded affirmative.
Without hesitation and remaining completely still
the pilgrim found the courage to speak aloud,
"Thank you for the 'Beautiful Day'."
Without another breath and in a heartbeat the stranger
moved carefully and deliberately to the pilgrim
reaching out his hand and spoke " And , thank you for all you do."
Stunned and speechless the pilgrim nodded his head in acknowledgement .
Just like that the three departed on their way.
The pilgrim returned his focus to the reason for his journey that day.
Within a few hours he found himself sitting on a beach in paradise.
Suddenly a file folder filled with a powerpoint presentation
flopped spilling onto his lap.
Startled the pilgrim looking up sees the that the tosser
was a CEO he was meet later that day.
The sunbathing pilgrim began to flip the pages of the presentation.
He made a suggestion or two that was received with gratitude
from the stressed lonely man at the top.
The tired executive leaned closer to the pilgrim
reaching out his hand , "Thank you for all you do."
Taken back the pilgrim realizes
it was the second time in eight hours
he was humbled with the same words and wondered
"Have I done the same for others.?"
- JF Sobecki
Poetry and such as it relates to work and what we do.
(Many say poems are to be heard)
Click the links
What work is - P. Levine

Shirt - R. Pinsky

The music for reflection
Click on links
Beautiful Day - U2

The Man at The Top - B. Springsteen

Coda : A thank you for all those who work, want to work, retired from work,
the poets, writers, musicians and artists any creation using their talents
as their work and all those...can no longer work.
Kind and Generous - N. Merchant

Ooh La La - The Faces

It's Still Alright - N. Rateliff

(This blog's author retired from formal work a few years ago and contemplated
and still thinks about what he did and how.)
" So here I will end my story ( work).
If it is done well , that is what I desired, if it is poorly done and mediocre,
it was the best I could do."
2 Maccabees 14 :37-38
Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC