"Anyway , I keep picturing all these kids playing some game
in this big field of rye and all...I have to catch everybody
if thy start to go over the cliff. I mean if they're running
and don't look where they're going I have to come out
from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day.
I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all."
- Catcher in The Rye , J.D. Salinger
"He who is not busy being born
is busy dying"
It's Alright Ma ( I'm only bleeding) - B. Dylan
"Make your work your play,
and your play your work"
- Phil Jackson
"Think about how many times I have fallen.
Spirits are using me , larger voices calling'."
- Southern Cross. Crosby, Stills and Nash
The Inspiration:
Predawn meditations and reflections often conjure
ghosts of faces and places the desperado encountered
along the way. Smiles, tears , gratitude and humility
flow together like some rambling river into
the ever patient welcoming unknown sea.
The wondering begins ....
The voice of a youth baseball coach echoes over and over.
"Be yourself. Ask yourself if you are making the most
of your natural talents. Worry doesn't resolve a thing.
Let go...be present...trust your intuition...be authentic...
make your life a life of love and play(just being.)"
And just like that voice from a mentor from later
years reminds him that what motivates most is to
"avoid a loss or attain a gain."
Another the voice rises up from that compassionate one...
"If you want peace ...be the peace.If you want love
... be the love. If you think someone is in need - help."
The Writing:
Waxing Crescent Moon and The Enchanted Forest
( A Quartet)
Waxing Crescent Moon, the second phase of that orb,
shines less than half the glow of her "Full" sister
and yet the light that emanates
from both taking the same amount of time of
1.25 seconds to be experienced on this
lonely third planet from the sun..
Sleeping and busy sentients seem to
ignore the significance
of this gift , this constant gleam ,
Mystics agree with astrologers that
this second phase sister moon indicates
a resurgence , a re-energizing , a perfect time
to set intentions and move forward.
Guides, coaches , counselors, mentors and teachers
come in all sizes , orientations and styles .
Often the ones who have the most impact are those
who love what they do and why ,
and they seem to appear at a time
and place when they are least expected.
But, in a secret silent truth spirits are answering
a mystical call to enter
a pilgrim's life to inspire one to re-enter
the cosmic grandeur of the enchanted forest.
What is it about any form of art that stirs
your needy heart and wandering spirit?
How is it that some song you heard a singer sing
almost a generation ago return in a new form
recapturing , re-stimulating that dormant seed
to begin aagin to burst through the grime
and walls you had built around that
original significant intensity ?
What of the poet or author who magically grabbed
the perfect absolute words arranged in such a manner
that would become the kindling lighting the spark
creating the flame that burned deep within you?
Are these the mustard seeds the teacher spoke of?
Consider how aspects of your adventure led
those words and images waited until they
found their way to meet your eyes, sooth your brain
and massage your heart -
while nurturing your ever-vibrant soul.
- JF Sobecki
["So they went off together. But wherever they go ,
and whatever happens to them on the way,
in that enchanted place on top of the Forest, a little
boy and his Bear will always be playing."
- Winnie the Pooh , A.A. Milne ]
Poetry and Such:
( Please click on the link below each image
to view the video)
The Big Regret - Dr. Gabor Mate'
The Layers - Stanley Kunitz
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
The Music:
For your viewing and listening pleasure:
( Please click on the link below each image
to view the video)
My Back Pages - Bob Dylan
These Days - Jackson Browne
House at Pooh Corner - Loggins and Messina
Tomorrow is a Long Time - Timothee Chalamet B. Dylan)
For your own Reflection:
( What are those songs, poems, books and who are
those who touched / inspired you ?)
Just the Motion - Linds and Richard Thompson
The Parting Glass- Glen Hansard
Coda : Reflections for today's world
" I desire mercy, not sacrifice"
- Matt 9:13
American Tune - P. Simon
Who Will Speak - Marty Haagen
Rt. Rev Marian Budde |
Copyright All Rights Reserved 2025 JF Sobecki LLC amdg |