(Here is a reflection on what recently happened when my email was hijacked and a financial scam went out to my address book under my name . Suddenly dozens of companions, fellow travelers, associates , friends and some strangers reached out with compassion and concern and again I was humbled )
There is nothing like the melancholic peace-filling mood of a Van Morrison ballad to set the tone for a day or even a week . His up tempo ditties are actually poems that simply sooth the seeker’s heart.
Who would have ever thought that technology would become an instrument of constant communication? Also, who would have thought that the removal of the instrument might bring silence and loneliness to one’s existence ?
Imagine technology becoming your voice and ears and then suddenly some demonic thief grabs these senses from you and you are deaf and speechless. For a moment you are falling into a deep hole where you are disconnected from everyone and everything., or so it seemed . The threads that have kept you connected to spirits of the earth suddenly have evaporated and the wavelength that secured the source to receive the great messages has disappeared from the dial.
Disconnected, lost, voiceless, helpless, prayerful , wandering and desperately trying to unravel the web of self-pity a depressing realization overwhelms. There doesn’t seem to be any way to tap into self-reliance to deliver one from a morass of despair.
Hope magically arrives in the form of previous connections secured in relationships with fellow pilgrims , wandering family members and companions of the sacred heart . Without hesitation these fellow journeyists lift the sense-less paralytic up and lower him into the presence of the wonderful healer and consoler.
Realizing one is not created to be here alone and that the previous giving of one’s self was returned to ten fold with the awareness that connection was never lost.
They say that prayer is a form of seeking connection…but one doesn’t need wifi or 4G service on a cell phone to make connection…just an opened heart .
Days Like This
When it isn´t always raining there will be days like this
When theres no one complaining there will be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
Well my mama told me there will be days like this
When you do not need to worry there will be days like this
When no one has in a hurry there will be days like this
When you do not get betrayed by that old Judas kiss
Oh my mama told me there will be days like this
When you do not need an answer there will be days like this
When you do not meet a chancer there will be days like this
When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit
Then I must remember there will be days like this
When everyone is up front & they are not playing tricks
When you do not have no freeloaders out to get their kicks
When it is nobody´s business the way that you want to live
I just have to remember there will be days like this
When no one steps on my dreams there will be days like this
When people understand what I mean there will be days like this
When you ring out the changes of how everything´s
Well my mama told me there will be days like this
Oh my mama told me
There will be days like this
Oh my mama told me
There will be days like this
Oh my mama told me
There will be days like this
Oh my mama told me
There will be days like this
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