Tuesday, June 30, 2015

An Endless Summer Reflection

“'Cause down the shore everything's all right

You and your baby on a Saturday night”
 - Jersey Girl , Bruce Springsteen

What is this place that draws pilgrims,
Sailors, fishermen and sun worshippers
To the unending expanse
Of this ocean of mercy ?
Here is the mystical wonder
Where the boss’s aurora rising illumination,
And wonder-filling warmth, is born
Again and again,
Over and over,
Until the pilgrims get it right.
Unionized gulls clock in
Beginning their work
Accompanied by prancing Bishop sandpipers,
Present and proclaiming their pious purpose.
Is it any wonder how
Children naturally delight at the beach’s edge,
Nurtured at the breast of mother earth?
Who is this magnificent artist magically making
A perfect peace-filling paradise for souls
Seeking satisfaction and solace?
The island troubadour’s voice
Can be heard, if one listens,
Of Atlantis’ sending ships
Spreading the promise of the universe.
But what of the source of
The origin of the song’s spirit ?
The constancy of waves,
The Surf’s up, sacramental sands
Sharing the simple sacred secret
Satiating every discerning heart .

These are the Days- Van Morrison (smart phones click on link)

Surfs Up – Beach Boys ( Smart phones click on link) - (for the member of the band)


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