“The Now is called “The Present” as it is a gift.”
isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious
is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious
indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the
Now, the most precious thing there is.”
There she was standing on
the shore with the majesty of that sanctifying sea, her feet inviting and
welcoming the christening waters into the great peace and the great journey
ahead. On the horizon the canvassed vessel coasted with the current and wind
carrying her dreams.
The witnessing prodigal
pilgrim wondered:
What knocked me off
course? When did I lose that innocent joy where living in the present wasn’t
questioned and being and living were one and the past was not regretted nor the
future feared? Am I too easy to let storms or even prospective squalls distract
me from being?
On the eve of the eighth
anniversary of the second chance dance the season he had hoped seemed to
However, however… that
vision of the bloodline innocent present on the gateway to paradise
reinvigorated his own spirit with gratitude, humility and commitment to letting
go and being.
Be Here Now – George
Looking For My Life – George Harrison
* Tomorrow Never Knows – ChoirChoirChoir – The Beatles
Turn off your mind,
relax and float down stream
It is not dying, it
is not dying
Lay down all
thoughts, surrender to the void
It is shining, it
is shining
Yet you may see the
meaning of within
It is being, it is
Love is all and
love is everyone
It is knowing, it
is knowing
And ignorance and
hate mourn the dead
It is believing, it
is believing
But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not
living(Leaving?), it is not living (Leaving?)
So play the game "Existence" to
the end
Of the beginning,
of the beginning
Of the beginning,
of the beginning
Of the beginning,
of the beginning
Of the beginning, of the beginning
* George Harrison questioned whether
Lennon fully understood the meaning of the song's lyrics:
You can hear (and I am sure most
Beatles fans have) "Tomorrow Never Knows" a lot and not know really
what it is about. Basically it is saying what meditation is all about. The goal
of meditation is to go beyond (that is, transcend) waking, sleeping and
dreaming. So the song starts out by saying, "Turn off your mind, relax and
float downstream, it is not dying."
Then it says, "Lay down all
thoughts, surrender to the void – it is shining. That you may see the meaning
of within – it is being." From birth to death all we ever do is think: we
have one thought, we have another thought, another thought, another thought.
Even when you are asleep you are having dreams, so there is never a time from
birth to death when the mind isn't always active with thoughts. But you can
turn off your mind, and go to the part which Maharishi
described as: "Where was your last thought before you thought it?"
The whole point is that we are
the song. The self is coming from a state of pure awareness, from the state of
being. All the rest that comes about in the outward manifestation of the
physical world (including all the fluctuations which end up as thoughts and
actions) is just clutter. The true nature of each soul is pure consciousness.
So the song is really about transcending and about the quality of the
I am not too sure if John
actually fully understood what he was saying. He knew he was onto something
when he saw those words and turned them into a song. But to have experienced
what the lyrics in that song are actually about? I don't know if he fully
understood it.[4 (The Beatles Bible)
With gratitude and love for the First Member of The Band
and our recent reunion on stage.
Copyright 2016 @ JF Sobecki LLC
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