Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Reflection on Now Experiment -10/1/20 0230



     (an experiment in being mindful and preset)

"Time passes quickly. The past cannot be clung to , the future cannot be foreseen. We must do good in the present moment and not concern ourselves with useless things." - M. Ricci

"Presence has no measurable product except positive feelings, feelings of support , intimacy, and happiness. When we stop being busy and productive switch to just being still and aware, we ourselves will also feel support, intimacy, and happiness, even if no one else is around."
- Jan Chozen Bays, "The Gift of Waiting"

A Reflection on Now - 10/1/20 0230

While mindlessly wandering and
Meditating wayward falling leaves
That recurring whisper became clear,
"The greatest gift
On can give another is our time."
Some say the jester called out 
"If the now is called 'the present'
Why can't we ever keep it?"
And that balding revolutionary read aloud
""What good ca I do today?"
Companions of the soldier saint
Suggest an examen everyday.
Their words keep "flowing like rain from a paper cup*"
(And the hits keep comimg)
Songs of the Troubadours seeking answers
Carrying by that wandering wind and
Elijah proclaiming it comes from
the lost cave of God.
Simon's sacred angels seek believers.
'It is the journey
That matters ,right?"
As the mysteries of centuries is revealed
Each road a river and each river a road
Lead thirsting pilgrims
To that sacred sea 
With each breath and beat of the heart 
"Here and Now...Here and Now" 
- JF Sobecki


A short playlist for now 
("No image ? Click on link)

Be Here Now - George Harrison

The Circle Game - Tom Rush (J Mitchell)


Across The Universe -The Beatles

You Set the scene - Love

"This is time that I am living
And I'll face each day with a smile
For the time that I've been
Given's such a little while
And the things that I do consist
of more than style
And the things I must to
Consist of more than style
(There are places that I am going)
There'll be time for you to start all over.


Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki LLC 

(Apologies for the formatting issues)

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