The Great Maze
"At the day of judgement we shall not be asked by what we have read but what we have done."
“There is no success like failure and failure is no success at all”
- Bob Dylan, Love Minus Zero
A Leap Day Maze
Just like that six score and 12 years
Flashed with the blink of an innocent eye.
He launched into a maze that no deity
Would ever conjure .
Walls were built, channels criss crossed, and
Paths designed by self- indulgent architects
Desiring subordination of the innocents, with
Constructs and myths crafted to assure compliance.
Someone determined that the earth rotates every
23 hours , 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds while
Traveling at 1,000 miles per second around the sun.
And so the story goes.
Trees , streams, rivers , oceans, birds
And all aspects of nature showed no concern for
Mortal interpretations of a mystical grand design.
The pilgrim given choices to discern , he reflected:
“Was Frost right ? Does it really matter in the end
What road to follow?
What of Carroll’s Cheshire Cat’s declaration
About choices ?
So in the grand plan was this determination
That Caesar proclaimed
An extra calendar day every four years
A benefit or just another fallacious
Pronouncement from the mask of authority?”
While the soothsayer witch doctors,
Self appointed kings, masters of war and violence ,silo fillers
Schemed and decreed sanctions and rewards
Defining success and failure,
There are those mystics, poets and spiritual guides
Who choose to let go and be peace,
Listening to the voices of angels-
Following the truth discovered when one
Feels the breath of the divine
In the wind and in the silence of the sanctity of the heart.
Humbled , grateful and serene in the simplicity…
He closed his eyes and was swept away.
- JF Sobecki
Questions for the Angels - P.Simon
The King of Bohemia - R. Thompson
Once I was - Cowboy Junkies (T. Buckley)
Love Minus Zero - Bob Dylan
The Road Not Taken - R. Frost
The Journey - D.Whyte
Copyright 2020 All Righted Reserved JF Sobecki LLC
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