Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Independence Day 2020 : Wisdom of a Cigar Man

Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s
Longing for itself
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they 
Belong not to you.

     On Children, Kahil Gibran


Wisdom of The Cigar Man

That Pilgrim couldn’t sleep last night.
Thought dreams and questions swirled faster and faster.
He wasn’t in Kansas anymore.
“What is the point of all this?
How did this all get so corrupted and twisted inside out?
A friend’s father suggested the divine decides
To thin the heard every 20 to 30 years.
Did we ever consider how we may 
Be contributing to these distractions now and those to come?
Sometimes the distractions are much more destructive
Then we could ever dream about.
This is not about you or me.
We are not here for our own benefit and delight are we?
‘Love everyone’ is painted on both church and tenement walls.
The American poet wrote “The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship.’
Why do I believe what I believe?
Where is it written that this person or group of people 
Are better than another person or group, or have the right answer ?
One schooled economist analyzed and promulgated how there are
Enough resources on this earth to feed, clothe, shelter
And care for every living being.
A billboard on Dylan’s Highway 61 read ‘Compassion.’
The Yoda settled in his Shaker Mission chair suggested,
 ‘The greatest love you can give your children
Is to love your spouse. Consider the world you are leaving
 to your children and grandchildren.’”

The Pilgrim recalled recently wandering through a deep mysterious fog
Into a Cigar Shop where the owner who once lived in Eastern Europe, lighted him a welcoming cigar , asked him to have a seat
And the Cigar Man began , 

“ I came to America to be free. America is a wonderful place.
Yet , Americans are clueless to all that they have. 
I have experienced how unbridled anger ,
Jealousy and greed leads to violence and war
All because people had different views .
Unfortunately Americans somehow believe all that it can’t happen here.
I thought the American political process would be better than the rest of the world. Whatever happened to coming up with solutions to solve problems rather than spending one’s energy disparaging 
The opponent or their constituents while fueling more anger?
Is the common good of the country not important anymore?
What’s wrong with trying to bring people together?
I wish you all would study more what happened in Eastern Europe and What continues there today.”

Easying into his soft leathered arm chair he concluded , “You know people from all walks of life and opinions gather, smoke cigars and have a little escape from the angst in this smoke shop. It is amazing to be with people who respect each other , talk , laugh and smoke a good cigar.”

Somehow sanctified a smile swept across the pilgrim’s face as he grabbed his lit cigar, waved a grateful farewell saying -
“ I  need to get home .”

  • JF Sobecki


The Summer Day - Mary Oliver (live)

Where do the children Play - Yusuf/Cat Stevens

Teach Your Children - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

America - Simon and Garfunkel

Locked Up - The Avett Brothers

4th Of JulyAsbury Park - Bruce

I Remember Everything - John Price
(The last song he recorded)

Blue Bayou - Linda Rondstadt * 

And if you have not seen this movie
I recommend it without reservation ****

A Hidden Life

Happy and Safe Fourth of July
Remember “Wear (a mask) and Care / Social Distancing saves lives”


Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved JF Sobecki

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