Sunday, February 28, 2021

Flow Like a River

 "You don't push a river it flows by itself."

             - Chinese Proverb

"Become the river."

  - Fritz Perls

"Perhaps the best river runners are Taoists at heart. Taoism considers someone wise

if they accommodate  themselves to the rhythms of the universe."

 - C. Norment


Where Many Rivers Meet

All the water below me came from above

All the clouds living in the mountains

gave it to the rivers,

who gave it to the sea, which was their dying.

And so I float on cloud become water,

central sea surrounded by white mountains,

the water salt, once fresh,

cloud fall and stream rush , tree roots and tide bank

leading to the rivers' mouths

and the mouths of the rivers sing into the sea

the stories buried in the mountains

give out into the sea

and the sea remembers

and sings back

from the depths

where nothing is forgotten.

- David Whyte



The river is my savior

She's running to the sea

And to reach her destination

is to simply cease to be

And running 'til you're nothing

Sounds a lot like being free

So "ll lay myself inside her

And I'll let her carry me.

- River  J. Isbell



Canto Paradiso 2021 : "Flow like a River"

Perchance things work out the way they are supposed to in the end

Maybe if Dante's ghost knew this he could cease his twilight meandering.

Maybe he was never attentive to the rain 

Or admired the rivers as closely as he should.

Paradise is not across some finish-line

Where numbered runners gather aimlessly standing.

Desert fathers may have been the first to see

Eden is ever-present in the water.

Some say that the Divine was in the water first,

(Before any other thing was)

Her flow, her nourishment, her life giving force,

Her home to creatures who first made her their home,

Her sanctifying baptismal blessing, her welcome to

Pilgrims who bathe or swim in her

Or just witness her majesty from the shoreline.

Without her runners would never run.

Without her sacramental sustenance no thing is.

Without her Ulysses would never have inspired our own pilgrimage.

She knows her own purpose and abides without doubt

Sentient beings lose sight of her holiness

Taking her for granted while trying to control her,

There are pilgrims though who seem to  have been born 

With heart tattoos , reading 

"You don't push a river, it flows by itself. "

They are possibly the illuminated seekers 

Aware that one is always precisely where one needs to be,

Their trust , their faith in the hidden hands,

They fall freely into the generous waters of a eternal life.

Troubadours sing solemnly about the water,

Poets alliterate words of searching souls seeking salvation,

Persistent right minded teachers reach out

To any drowning student of Blake .

"Let go, let go"  greek choruses are heard imploring.

"The purpose of a river is to flow

Emptying herself into a majestic ocean of  mercy."

The old pre-Homeric myths promulgated

Truer stories as true that can ever be told.

Whispering wind voice wistfully whips through the trees

Sanctifying all she touches, saying for ears who chose to hear

"Rivers flow and the sea she waits.

Become the river, let the gift of the bliss carry you."

    - JF Sobecki


Crossing Otter Creek

August sun warms the eddy

Swirling lonely lost feather

Drifting up and downstream

Shadows of hay bales

Guarding muddied banks

on Old Trinity Farm

Faithfully silently waiting

A final harvest 

Before the snow

Hand in hand

the two wade

Stone to random stone

one breath

One beat of a heart

separating the now

from home.

- JF Sobecki (1990)


River Songs

Let It Flow - D. Mason

River - Jason Isbell

The Ballad of Easy Rider - The Byrds

Take Me to the River - A. Green

Deep River Blues - T. Emmanuel

 Bliss and Flow

Bliss - Joseph Campbell

Flow TedTalk - M. Csiksczentmihalyi

Allen McQuarrie R.I.P.

The First River Runner Who taught me

to "flow"

Lawrence Ferlinghetti R.I.P. 

Thank you for giving us your words which are your rivers 


Copyright 2021 JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry 

because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with 

passion. And medicine , law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and

necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."

      - Dead Poets Society

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