Saturday, July 31, 2021

Caesura and The Enjambments : 13th Anniversary of The Second Chance Dance


"My cousin has great changes coming...someday he'll wake with wings.

My cousin as you see
Takes his changes so easily
O happy we
Could take each change so easily..."

- Cousin Caterpillar, Incredible String Band


Caesura and The Enjambments

Well, they say it took Ulysses ten years to get back
To where he once belonged,
Something Sergeant Pepper could not achieve.
For a wandering wounded soldier and unwed father
It would be a year locked down in ascetic solitude
For Ignatius to wake.
Sometimes constant busyness
Becomes the master distraction ,
A rationalization in believing attachments,
Rewards and material worldly goals
As the promised treasures of paradise.
Lives can easily become one big run on sentence.
Lost in the maize of the promise of identifying purpose
Pilgrims and the ignorant wander barren desserts aimlessly
Searching for the lost land of milk and honey.
No oasis discovered , only mirages.
Whatever happened to calm and deliberate?
What ever happened to pausing 
Allowing the peace to wash away the grime
Cleansing the spirit allowing one to become
Precisely who the divine intended ?
One's who preach their own self perfection,
Charlatans in sheep's clothing,
Keep themselves at bay from the barricades of heaven.
No thing stays the same.
No thing is perfect.
No algorithm, navigation system, spread sheet
Or the best laid plans can accurately predict.
Carefully positioned dominoes don't always fall
As designers and players anticipate.
Therapists and patients believe
Personal control is possible.
Can we really learn from the Venetians and
Their belief that the rising ocean can be restrained?
Sometimes the tiniest and grand events alike as well as
People of all types and sizes
Influence which road to take or what rabbit hole to go down.
Sometimes that mystical spiritual energy gives birth
To that caterpillar who might become that butterfly
Flapping her wings, that would start a breeze, 
Becoming the wind moving the chimes to sing,
A song whispering the truth 
While refreshing the pilgrim who had paused
To be mindful while letting go.
Many mystics , poets and a few songwriters appreciate
the power of the pausing , presence and hope.

And so it was thirteen years ago
The Pilgrim's Odyssey
Was about to blow up his plans when
He found himself crippled retreating into a pause.
His true companions lowered him through the roof.
His heart healed and mercy washed across his spirit.
And, he flew away.

          - JF Sobecki


The Way Through The Woods - R. Kipling ( R. Fiennes)

Isn't it a Pity-Take 27  (2020 remix) G. Harrison

Cleveland Heart - J.Browne

Cousin Caterpillar - Incredible String Band

The Holy Longing - Goethe

Hope For the Flowers - Trina Paulus
A story for Caterpillars, pilgrims and children of all ages

July 1 - Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Anniversary of the Pilgrim's Healing 7/1/2008

"Teach me to be generous, to serve as you deserve, to give and not count the cost, to fight and not heed the wounds, to toil and not seek for rest, to labor and not to look for any reward, save that of knowing I am doing your will."

 - St. Ignatius of Loyola

(Thank you to the companions - Dan, Lou, Tom, Gerry, Bill, Ed, Bob, Dick, Carolyn, Herb, Kirk and Pete)


Copyright 2021 JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved

Coda: Even Jersey bar bands and their singers need a Caesura
From "Eddie and The Cruisers"
(and Thank God for English Majors!)

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