Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Shibboleth ( December 2021)

This Quaker cross stitch has been hanging in our home for years

"He who is not busy being born is busy dying"
-B. Dylan

"Let not your heart be troubledLet mourning sobbing ceaseLearn to help one anotherAnd live in perfect peace…
….That's the way God planned it
That's the way God wants it to be, for you and me….
I hope you get this messageAnd where you won't others willYou don't understand meBut I'll love you still..."
          - B. Preston 

"...Confronted by the ghost of Jacob Marley ,his former business partner,

Scrooge observed Marley wearing weights and chains. The ghost said 

he earned them in his life. Scrooge said “But, you were a good man of business. 

The ghost replied “Business!Business! Mankind was my business. 

The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, 

and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade

 were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!” 

               - A Christmas Carole, C. Dickens

For RELIGIOUS FANATICS ONLY -A  Charlie Brown Story.....

Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy 

explained how it was "Christmas" and explained further

 that this was the time of year to "spread joy, caring, 

compassion, giving, peace and love." Charlie Brown 

wondered to Lucy "Why do we do these things at 

"Christmastime" and why can't we do these things and 

be that way all year round?"Lucy yelled at Charlie Brown ,

 "What are you some type of religious fanatic?"


The Pilgrimage

As the scoundrel pilgrim was inspired somehow that it was time,

Time to set out to find that earthly mystical paradise

Some had labeled as Shangri- La 

Where peace and compassion reigned in all simplicity.

Sherpas and servants attended to the yearning seeker.

When the pilgrim hungered for food... he was prepared 

precisely what was needed to keep him moving forward.

When he wandered off, as he would sometimes do ,

He realized he was lost and a group of sherpas

Found him dazed by the sudden storm

Returning him safely to camp.

One particular sherpa seemed to be most attentive

To the wearied traveler , setting up and taking down the cohort's tents,

Laying out furs and blankets for sleep,

Keeping fires lit , preparing all with fresh hot tea,

reading Poems , prayers and singing songs before 

The pilgrim postulant and dedicated community would retire after

A day of arduous trekking through unpredicted storms.

The unthinkable occurred without warning

As a blizzard that would most likely bring a drastic end 

To the once holy pilgrimage.

Suddenly the pilgrim found himself alone,

Lost, cold , frightened , hungry and on the verge

Of a desperation that would obviously lead to his own demise.

Without notice that one special solo sherpa appeared through

The blowing frigid snow rescuing the desperate pilgrim.

He carried him over the mountains into a most serene valley

Where it is said that the "Great Teacher" resided in a modest

Yet most sanctifying monastery.

The pilgrim was left by the rescuer in the entryway.

A group of monks swiftly gathered around the pilgrim.

After being warmed, clothed and fed he was told

He would have an audience with the one magnificent teacher,

The most holy of the holy ones.

The monastics ushered him to a great hall

Where a solo figure sat in silence inviting the pilgrim

To sit at his side....

Lifting his eyes towards this blessed figure

The anxious ,yet grateful pilgrim , wondered in awe 

As he believed he recognized the great one.

The confraternity of contemplatives smiled in love and satisfaction

Noting how the pilgrim realized that this great teacher

Was the one sherpa who had been the servant to all.

The one who nourished , comforted , loved and served the travelers

During their odyssey .

The pilgrim bowing his head in humility and gratitude when 

The wonderful teacher reached out his hand to the pilgrim saying

"Welcome home , tell me what have you learned on your pilgrimage?"


 ( Inspired from an ancient Zen fable)

- JF Sobecki


All days are holy and yet we seem to set aside only a few to celebrate.

(A topic for another day)

Here is a setlist for this season--- sit back be present and and be filled.

Getting Ready For Christmas Day - P. Simon

Peace Divine- J. Browne

 The Wexford Carol - A. Kraus/Yo Yo Ma

Travelers Prayer - M.C. Carpenter

Now the Time Has Come - R. Star

Do they Know Its Christmas

So This is Christmas - J. Groban ( J. Lennon)

And for your viewing pleasure

Scooge - Complete Film Based on a C. Dickens' A Christmas Carol

That's The Way God Planned it - B. Preston


Have a wonder- filled safe and healthy  Christmas and Holiday Season


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved 2021


The Speech that Broke the Internet - J. Phoenix

A fictional Portrayal but a nice lesson
Shibboleth - The West Wing

Man By The River - The West Wing
(I first heard this story years ago... hmm)

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