Special Edition: welcome Sean Joseph Malone
"Dear Child of God, you are loved with a
love that nothing can shake, a love
that loved you long before you were created,
a love that will be there long
after everything has disappeared.”
—Desmond Tutu
"We are not human beings having a spiritual
experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ
Dear Sean :
I am wondering if you recall and can tell us what it
was like before and as that eternal spark lit your flame delivering you into
this world? You are the one individual I know right now who has most recently
personally experienced the magnificent light , that wonder-filling complete
abundant love. Yes, that divine DNA is in every aspect of all
creation. However , your entry into this world starting this journey your
presence reminds us all of the sanctification we receive unconditionally.
We are here....here to be authentic , to be compassionate, selfless, loving,
living in peace, kindness, generosity , merciful and with integrity
using our gifted talents to serve others in need and
do whatever you can to make this world just a little better.
We are here to love and live in relationship with others.
No thing will bring you happiness. Any thing that you possess during your
Odyssey will remain here once the journey ends. I remind my self constantly
that we will be remembered be how we live, love and serve the common welfare
and not what world possessions we accumulated . Do't worry about being liked.
Just live in truth and you will be respected ... and loved.
Gratitude and humility are two essential constants for us. Let go and trust.
The river's currents and the wind , the breath of the divine, will carry
you to where you need to be. Follow your heart .
Trust your intuition. We do not love or become kind to get a reward
or recognition. We love and live in kindness
because we are born of love and...it is the right thing to do and to be.
Thomas Merton once commented that if we only love those who
agree with us then we are only loving reflections of who we believe we are.
Thrive off the love of your mom, dad and sisters (Caroline and Charlotte).
Savor the love and joy of your cousins (Especially the two beautiful boys -
Quinn and Ollie) ,your aunts and uncles , good friends
and of course your grandparents as we have been waiting for you
and are so delighted that you are here now.
Be your self. Remember that Mother Nature is a special holy grace.
Poetry and most music are a sacrament. Here's a secret - I have found
serenity in the silence, Mother Nature, poetry and prayer.
You are loved always.
Te viglio bene assai, bene assai.
Everything is waiting For You - D. Whyte
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