Wednesday, August 31, 2022

541: An Epistle from Some Distant Tomorrow

"I urge you to please notice when you are happy, 

and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 

"If this isn't nice I don't know what is." 

- ManWithout a Country ,  K. Vonnegut



541: An Epistle from Some Distant Tomorrow

( It wasn't too long ago that the following letter suddenly appeared in an odd shaped tattered 
envelope on the coffee table next to a new mysterious coffee cup ring stain.)

My Dear Friend,

It is hard to explain how unexpected time jumping for me has become as normal as clearing 
post nasal drip in the throat before speaking. It is uncontrollable and what , where , 
when and why the jump happens, to a deep past or some unforeseen distant future, 
cannot be anticipated. Lately the present never seems to be here and now. One breath 
this body and mind is in one place and time and a breath or two later everything is changed.
You see some aliens from a planet 446,120,000,000,000,000 miles from earth said this tired
traveller was one who had won the lottery where they would conduct some experiments 
while gifting me with the ability to time jump.So, here are a few questions and 
observations that might bring some clarity to someone somewhere sometime, 
if there is an interest..

The aliens made a sincere hint that "There is love enough in this world
for everyone, if people would just look"? Also, there is more enough food , shelter , 
medicine and health care for every living creature. They remain concerned
about why didn't anyone ever figure out how and why so called Homo Sapiens 
created borders and hoard resources ? What benefit is there in that? They continually ask 
why this traveller would seriously consider returning to  planet  earth permanently.

It wouldn't be appropriate to mention in detail what the near and distant future holds for those 
on planet earth. Some hearing what I have to say may be too overjoyed and forget the
point of their existence and what needs to be done while others might become so depressed
that getting out of bed would become a painful chore. Does everyone really believe in your 
time that the world can continue to behave without experiencing extreme consequences 
for the greed, the ignorance, arrogance, hate, violence and the obvious carelessness as to 
how others and Mother Nature are treated? Do most forget about living with 
compassion, mercy, selflessness, caring and service to others? No one , no thing is perfect, 
yet , one can continue to try to be authentic and be complete . 
How is it that so many seem to just give up?

Everything changes right? Well, this pilgrim has little confidence that things may not improve
if certain changes do not take place soon . Somedays this concern explodes this feeble mind
worrying about  the world and what's up next for our grandchildren and their grandchildren. 
I haven't seen the planet's finale but the trend is dubious at best and yet there just may be 
that ever so-slight flicker of optimism that remains. 

These aliens have hinted that the notion of a mystical magical divine light 
or energy is the essence of everything in the universe 
is in fact one real truth of the universe.This most holy of holy DNA resides in all aspects 
of creation and if we are present enough we can listen to and sense the great sanctification.
They are concerned though how certain "homo sapiens" seem to portray 
themselves and their interpretations of the cosmos as the "only right" answer or method 
and how their picture of the divine is the perfect picture of their "right God."
Actually they think it sad and simultaneously humorous that humans would
conjure such perspectives, dogmas and rigid practices about a supreme entity.
They say "all one has to do is listen and be present. Wherever you are there you are"
They added,"It's simple, follow your bliss and be happy since you are beloved.
So then...  love yourself, others, be humble and be grateful ."

And so it goes.

Until next time then. Whenever that is.

Your Friend, 


PS Here are Some videos that might help in your potential contemplation about the above note.
 Shape of Stories - K. Vonnegut

 Follow Your Bliss - J. Campbell
 B. Murray - Mark Twain Prize(watch to end)

Who am I?- G. Harrison

Live Forever - D Holcombe                                                                          

 Across the Universe - The Beatles

Who Will Speak - M Haugen

What is true happiness?

                    and one for the road
                     just clap along!
                        Happy - Pharrell                                                                                


(Thank you to David , Lou P ,  Kurt Vonnegut, Madeleine L'Engle,
Joseph Campbell and Jon Kabat-Zinn for the inspirations)


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC  All Rights  Reserved

Happy Birthday GG!

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