Monday, October 31, 2022

This Little Light


"At sea I learned how little a person
needs, not how much."

      - Robin Graham


This Little Light

Some say she is a seeker sailing sanctified seas for serenity.
Some say she savors the searching.
The waves are all separate, new , coming and going
And yet they are of that one great unknown sea.
The wind of that unknown mystical source
Sometimes fills the sails and sometimes the canvas 
Stands in stillness and the vessel drifts almost aimless.
No sextant , charts or navigator needed.
A new habit may help, but a new mask will not.
The heart knows where the treasure is and 
That eternal spark will light the way.
The greek chorus of bishops of the voyage proclaim ,
"The ocean is our cathedral and sailing our sacrament.
It is how you sail that really matters in the end . 
Trust that consecrating wind that lifts the migrating paracletes . "
Sacred sojourners don't sail for accolades or rewards,
It isn't about attachments , owning any thing
Or crossing some arbitrary finish line.
Holes need to be filled, lost spirits 
And bodies to be found, fed and sheltered.
Echoes of a humble mother recalls
That everyone , every thing needs love.
Seekers bow to the rising sun and kneel 
As the gleam fades over the horizon.
Constant compassion, selflessness,  gratitude
And maybe a little light, a poem and a song-
The only real provisions needed for the passage  .

               - JF Sobecki

Some Eternal Spark - Glossary

Nothing But a Burning Light - B. Cockburn

Tomorrow Never Knows- Beatles

Gotta Be - Desiree'

Still Haven't Found - U2

Any Road - G. Harrison

This Little Light - Odetta

What the World need Now - J. DeShannon


  The Journey

Above there mountains
The geese turn into 
the light again

Painting their
black silhouettes
on an open sky

Sometimes everything
has to be 
inscribed across 
the heavens

so you can find the one line
already written
inside you.

Sometimes it takes
a great sky
to find that

first, bright
and indescribable
wedge of freedom
in your own heart.

Sometimes with 
the bones of the black
sticks left when the fire
has gone out

someone has written
something new
in the ashes of your life.
You are not leaving.
Even as the light fades quickly now
you are arriving.

- David Whyte

Remembering Skip - R.I.P. 

His "Girls"



Copyright All Rights Reserved 2022 JF Sobecki LLC

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