"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The climber asked the sherpa ,
"What's the point? Where are we headed and why?"
The sherpa smiles, "We are all going somewhere
but we are already where we need to be.
This is the blessedness."
The Inspiration:
(Questions in a moring reflection)
Ok, how many incidents happen by chance
and suddenly become some mystical indicator
as to what is to come and what is truly the real?
How many times must a light bulb go on
or some eternal spark illuminate the way for
prodigal seekers?
Where and how does that wonder filling joy
burst upon the scene creating the great metanoia?
Who created that breeze that became the wind
that directed to the sailor to adjust the sails
helping the vessel have an ease filled tack
making way to paradise?
The Writing :
The Sacrament
The Divine DNA , the most mystical, magical
seed and source of every thing is
ever present all ways.
A searching soul asks "what of ancient aliens?"
the other answers , "and what is their origin?"
Time , the poet wrote, is the great sanctification.
A Greek chorus of the interior
echoes the observation of one's purpose ,
a discernment of this most simplest profound point.
In the silent depths of the calm contemplation
the monkey mind eventually rests
as the now is embraced and savored..
All the birds are taking flight.
How do they know if it is time
to go and where?
The helmsman , the navigator and the deck hand
play their roles executing what they believe are
their responsibilities for the safe efficient
trip of the vessel's passage.
Crying about what
the new story might be ...
and how it might be a scent of the glory.
Then somehow a wave of unwonted
origin working in collaboration
with the mystical wind that provides birds lift
points the worn meandering vessel
back on the right course. The waking commences,
wherever this ship is , is where it is
supposed to be.
This is sacrament .
- JF Sobecki
Poems and such: For your inspiration
The Circle - Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers
The Music : For your listening pleasure and reflection
Theologians- Wilco
When Will I ever Learn - Van Morrison
The Last Leaf - W. Nelson
Who Knows Where the Time Goes - Fairport Convention
Coda: Compassion
"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all
that is wrong with the world."
- Paul Farmer MD
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