Monday, December 31, 2012

The Soundtrack and Score for 2012.

(The wandering imperfect pilgrim wondered about concerns that have been expressed about the sometimes-esoteric ethereal type constructs of previous blog posts. So he let go at the end of the Mayan’s calendar and it sparked a different type of reflection. ….)

Doesn’t it seem that sometimes we are living in some type of movie? Sometimes it seems as though the movie is a blend of comedy, tragedy, adventure and an almost science fictional account of some dreamlike experience. But regardless of the scope and depth of events where there seems to be times of gentle smiles, tears, nostalgic memories and prayerful reflections, - through it all there was one aspect that is common and persistent…. music. Movie scores that are original or adapted are usually constructed by someone who is not a major player or character in the play. If done well the music and sometimes lyrics of theme songs and ongoing pieces throughout the movie either set or reflect the tone. And the pilgrim thinks

"What of our own play?"

Isn’t interesting how hearing some musical piece from the past sparks a memory about a time, an event, person(s) or locations. The original emotions are relived all over again. Sometimes it is the melody. Sometimes it is the lyrics. Sometimes it is the instrumentation or theme. Sometimes it is the beat that magically gets one’s foot to tap and the urge to get up and dance is fueled.  Sometimes one can’t help but to sing along. Sad, happy, melancholic, spiritual, meditative and uplifted moods are mystically conjured when the first series of opening notes of a song are heard and seep into the deepest hidden crevices of our souls.

How is it that when one is driving along some winding road to nowhere in a somber mood and while flipping through some new unknown radio station on a satellite network suddenly seems to get locked in and that perfect song from way back when starts or a new piece unknown and unfamiliar catches your attention? It is a song with lyrics and tempo that suits and sooths your spirit. It is as if….

And then there's that unforeseen accidental coincidental circumstance when a particular emotion begins to fire up suddenly some song is heard off in the distance with apropos lyrics and instrumentation that nurtures the present spirit. It is almost as if….

Who gave the artists the idea for that arrangement of those notes? It has been said that all music is just a series of a combination of tones, pitches and rhythms separated by silence. It is said that it is the space and timing of the silence that makes these tones and instruments musical.  It has been said that we should  learn more about the power of silence. Who is this silence really? (But that’s another reflection.)  However, how did those few selected words that fill dictionaries of hundreds of languages find their way to accompany the musical melodies to express specifically what you were feeling or experiencing at that very moment? Or, how is it that these grace-filled emotional architects are able to give birth to the most perfect synergy of words and music to inspire or mirror your heart?

It’s a mystery. It is as if….

“What of this last year? How often and how many songs or musical pieces seemed to mysteriously transcend the spirit? It is not about what song or musical piece was favored or liked but those pieces that actually fueled the spirit and reflected the tone of the odyssey for these past twelve months…. and, by the way who is behind all this in the first place. …that really matters," the wandering pilgrim thought.

"I need to create a list of those songs ....and maybe even burn a CD of my soundtrack/score to 2012"

 Well, the first part of his task was not too complicated as technology now has the ability to count and record how often a musical piece was listened to. He appreciated and delighted in all the songs he had heard that moved him over the course of the year but there were those that stood out from the rest. Also, it was not difficult to be able to identify the new discoveries of unique surprises that were unplanned and unexpected and yet seemed to musically fill a void or express what he was unable to articulate himself. He began to create his list of his soundtrack for 2012. Though he was tempted to keep all the songs that were “favorites” on the annual soundtrack list it really wasn’t laborious for him to limit this list to those pieces that mystically played a significant role in the mystery of his existence in the universe. Somehow the sacrosanct soundtrack list flowed from pen to paper for his heart knew each song in advance . It was if….

The Wandering Imperfect Pilgrim’s Soundtrack/Score for 2012

Daughter -  Loudon Wainright

Father and Daughter – Paul Simon

I knew the bride  Dave Edmunds

Circle Game – Joni Mitchell

Urge for Going – Tom Rush version of J. Mitchell

Land of Hopes and Dreams - Bruce

We take care of our own - Bruce

Stay young go dancing  - Death Cab for Cutie

Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford and sons

Persuasion - Richard Thompson

Born to sing – Van Morrison

Days Like this  - Van Morrison

Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison

Keep me in your heart – Warren Zevon

A time to say goodbye – performed by Andrea Bocelli

One of these days  - Neil Young and Billy Frissell’s versions

The Promised Land - Bruce

Alone again  - Calexico

Falling slowly  - from the movie "Once"

Better off today – David Arn

Save it for a Rainy Day  - Jayhawks

That’s what makes you strong – Jesse Winchester

Show me the place – Leonard Cohen

The Walk – Meyer Hawthorne

Christmas Day – Paul Simon

Fear of fallin  - Robbie Roberston

Whats so funny about Peace,Love and Understanding  -  Elvis Costello

Here comes my man -  National Anthem

Something you got - Jerry Douglas w Eric Clapton

Windfall  - Son Volt

Si Tu vois ma mere – from "Midnight in Paris" Soundtrack

When your minds made up  - from the movie “Once”

Got to be better in a little while – Eric Clapton

Take it to the people  - Woggles

Soneto de la Noche – performed by Conspirare

All things Must Pass – George Harrison

Louie Louie – The Kingsmen
Until I Die - Beach Boys

He wondered about the miracle of different soundtracks for his family and friends. He wondered about the songs he played and sang.
And the Beach Boys could be heard singing off in the tall distance….”Add some music to your day”


I hope your own soundtrack was exactly what you needed and that the New Year brings you much peace and joy!

                Happy New Year!

 -The Wandering Imperfect Pilgrim 12-31-12


"The Only Truth is Music"
         - Jack Kerouac


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