Friday, December 31, 2021

The Seeker's Way :The Tale of a Dark Horse


"Ring out the old

Ring in the new

Ring out the false

Ring in the true"

- G. Harrison

"I think of trees and how simply

they let go, let fall the riches of a season,

how without grief it seems  they can let go 

deep into their roots for renewal..."

   M. Carton

"When we find true love, the trying disappears.

 - S. Skillman

"You're out there. Doing what you would die for

Believing , till there is no turning back."

 -J. Farrar


The Seeker's Way

The teacher posed the observation on the last day

Of the year that it would give birth to a new day

And the hope-filled anticipated new year,

"The beginning started with endings and 

The ending a garden is ready for new beginnings."

Panta rhei (everything flows)

Impermanence is , change is , no thing lasts,

That which is will pass making room for the next.

Inhaling leads to exhaling , acorns feeding  hungry critters

And those fallen nuggets left behind sprouting into trees.

Waking not knowing if what is lived or what is is a dream

All the defenses slowly fade into the morning mist

Clouds slowly burning away by the birthing holy light

Bathing everything in the ocean of love and mercy.

Every encounter , every breath, every thought , query and conviction

The great formation unending - 

Sherpa companions guided him through the maze

Where now new Friends welcome him with opened hearts

Delivering the seeker to the now ,

Another unforeseen portal to pass through on the way.

Baggage unloading ready to receive and listen

To the sacred voice within.

Wind blown chimes seem to sing sweetly Neruda's lament

"I want to feel the gentleness that changed my destiny."

What is next is ambiguous at its best.

Truth always present as a choice and yet some wayward pilgrims

Select contentment with ignorance.

The solitudinal sojourning seeker is living proof of how

Prodigals are loved regardless of their distractions and meanderings..

No benefit of surveyors , maps or navigational tools

No direction , no goal needed except to let go and let

The wind and waves carry willing souls 

To be where they need to be.

Some making this passage awake to the present

Savoring with gratitude for the sanctification.

Late starts , slow progress do not hinder or restrict

Dark horse seekers from being authentic spirits.

It is how one is mindful and bathes in the light

Loving , working for peace and serving those in need

That matters. Isn't it?.

- JF Sobecki


Setlist for a New Year

Nee Of Solitude - Mary Chapin Carpenter

(In gratitude for my new "Friends")

On The way to Find Out - C. Stevens

Ripple - Grateful Dead

Learn To Be Still - The Eagles

No Turning Back - Son Volt

Morning Phase - Beck

Windfall- J. Farrar (Son Volt)

Heaven, I go Where True Love Goes - C. Stevens(Yusuf)

"Music exists when there is the gift of silence in-between the notes"


Copyright 2022 JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved




Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Shibboleth ( December 2021)

This Quaker cross stitch has been hanging in our home for years

"He who is not busy being born is busy dying"
-B. Dylan

"Let not your heart be troubledLet mourning sobbing ceaseLearn to help one anotherAnd live in perfect peace…
….That's the way God planned it
That's the way God wants it to be, for you and me….
I hope you get this messageAnd where you won't others willYou don't understand meBut I'll love you still..."
          - B. Preston 

"...Confronted by the ghost of Jacob Marley ,his former business partner,

Scrooge observed Marley wearing weights and chains. The ghost said 

he earned them in his life. Scrooge said “But, you were a good man of business. 

The ghost replied “Business!Business! Mankind was my business. 

The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, 

and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade

 were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!” 

               - A Christmas Carole, C. Dickens

For RELIGIOUS FANATICS ONLY -A  Charlie Brown Story.....

Charlie Brown asked Lucy why she was so happy. Lucy 

explained how it was "Christmas" and explained further

 that this was the time of year to "spread joy, caring, 

compassion, giving, peace and love." Charlie Brown 

wondered to Lucy "Why do we do these things at 

"Christmastime" and why can't we do these things and 

be that way all year round?"Lucy yelled at Charlie Brown ,

 "What are you some type of religious fanatic?"


The Pilgrimage

As the scoundrel pilgrim was inspired somehow that it was time,

Time to set out to find that earthly mystical paradise

Some had labeled as Shangri- La 

Where peace and compassion reigned in all simplicity.

Sherpas and servants attended to the yearning seeker.

When the pilgrim hungered for food... he was prepared 

precisely what was needed to keep him moving forward.

When he wandered off, as he would sometimes do ,

He realized he was lost and a group of sherpas

Found him dazed by the sudden storm

Returning him safely to camp.

One particular sherpa seemed to be most attentive

To the wearied traveler , setting up and taking down the cohort's tents,

Laying out furs and blankets for sleep,

Keeping fires lit , preparing all with fresh hot tea,

reading Poems , prayers and singing songs before 

The pilgrim postulant and dedicated community would retire after

A day of arduous trekking through unpredicted storms.

The unthinkable occurred without warning

As a blizzard that would most likely bring a drastic end 

To the once holy pilgrimage.

Suddenly the pilgrim found himself alone,

Lost, cold , frightened , hungry and on the verge

Of a desperation that would obviously lead to his own demise.

Without notice that one special solo sherpa appeared through

The blowing frigid snow rescuing the desperate pilgrim.

He carried him over the mountains into a most serene valley

Where it is said that the "Great Teacher" resided in a modest

Yet most sanctifying monastery.

The pilgrim was left by the rescuer in the entryway.

A group of monks swiftly gathered around the pilgrim.

After being warmed, clothed and fed he was told

He would have an audience with the one magnificent teacher,

The most holy of the holy ones.

The monastics ushered him to a great hall

Where a solo figure sat in silence inviting the pilgrim

To sit at his side....

Lifting his eyes towards this blessed figure

The anxious ,yet grateful pilgrim , wondered in awe 

As he believed he recognized the great one.

The confraternity of contemplatives smiled in love and satisfaction

Noting how the pilgrim realized that this great teacher

Was the one sherpa who had been the servant to all.

The one who nourished , comforted , loved and served the travelers

During their odyssey .

The pilgrim bowing his head in humility and gratitude when 

The wonderful teacher reached out his hand to the pilgrim saying

"Welcome home , tell me what have you learned on your pilgrimage?"


 ( Inspired from an ancient Zen fable)

- JF Sobecki


All days are holy and yet we seem to set aside only a few to celebrate.

(A topic for another day)

Here is a setlist for this season--- sit back be present and and be filled.

Getting Ready For Christmas Day - P. Simon

Peace Divine- J. Browne

 The Wexford Carol - A. Kraus/Yo Yo Ma

Travelers Prayer - M.C. Carpenter

Now the Time Has Come - R. Star

Do they Know Its Christmas

So This is Christmas - J. Groban ( J. Lennon)

And for your viewing pleasure

Scooge - Complete Film Based on a C. Dickens' A Christmas Carol

That's The Way God Planned it - B. Preston


Have a wonder- filled safe and healthy  Christmas and Holiday Season


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved 2021


The Speech that Broke the Internet - J. Phoenix

A fictional Portrayal but a nice lesson
Shibboleth - The West Wing

Man By The River - The West Wing
(I first heard this story years ago... hmm)

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Aspects of the Profound : Query and Advice

" If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do and what we fail to do"

                       - F. Jagerstatter, A Hidden Life

" Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship"

                               ( Not Complicated )


"If every human on the planet

and all the buildings on it

Should disappear

Would a zebra grazing in the African Savannah

Care enough to shed a zebra tear?"

 - P. Simon, Questions for the Angels


Aspects of the Profound: Query and Advice

(On An Invitation from Friends)

A Pilgrim's ponderings proceeded to propose 

A series of  propositions about purpose.

The glorious gleam from the fire - pit flame illuminated

The sacred space for seekers who were ready to receive.

Warmed and filled with the light...

The Emmaus Pilgrims exchange explored how impertinent contrivers

Mandated that since is is difficult 

To solve a Rubik's Cube problem 

The most uncomplicated resolution seemed to be 

To Secure a simple easy swift solution - 

Rather than trusting and being present to the solvable.

Much like Kunitz's layers indicated - the journey has not ended,

Finding the perfect vacant wall a subway troubadour scribed a grafiti-ed  message

"If you think I am too liberal just wait until you meet Jesus."

The teacher queried  the pilgrim if he could ever prove that the pilgrim's mother

loved him completely and unconditionally. 

The pilgrim sighed , "I can't prove it but I do know it. I have experienced it."

The teacher then replied , " True, then why do you constantly demand tangible 

Proof of the all-encompassing presence and love of the light? 

Open your heart . It is window to your soul."

The prodigal pilgrim pleaded " I have belief , help my unbelief."

His course was charted even though there is no knowing what would be next or why.

During an 8 day sequestered sanctuaried silent retreat 

The pilgrim supplicated to the teacher.

"I am confused.This is a waste of time. I am not getting it."

The teacher said "Go have your cigar and take a walk in silence."

Sun setting leaves its last flash of the consecrated farewell glow 

When without warning suddenly a rangale of deer

Stood staring surrounding the pilgrim silently saying

Without words "Why do you worry? This is holy ground."

He dashed off from the seraphim to find the teacher.

Upon reporting the incident the teacher responded,

"That deer have always been there. You have just been too busy

Trying to make a retreat to see them . Let it go . Let it be.

Let the retreat make you."

The pilgrim was on the way to find out.

The sacred simply sanctifies seekers who keep 

Their inner ears to hear and their yearning hearts open to receive,

A gentle exhale of a Friend gently opened that mystical door

With an unexpected invitation,

...and hesitantly , cautiously and faith filled

The pilgrim proceeded through the portal.

It seemed that all the souls and spirits of Friends

From that the past and present were gathered

At the historic blessed Meeting House

Have been waiting for the seeker to arrive,

His own spirit sighed with a smile as he read

The weathered worn wooden sign .... 

... "All are welcome."


          -  JF Sobecki



                                             Little Egg Harbor Friends Meeting House 

Franz Jagerstatter, a Roman Catholic and conscientious objector ,  refused to serve in the Nazi Army in WW II. He was abandoned by his church and he was beheaded by the Nazi's for being a non-compliant traitor. He was recently canonized as a saint by the same church that abandoned him 50 years earlier.

A Hidden Life

Questions for The Angels - P.Simon



                                                   Who Will Speak - M. Haugen

                                              Morning Has Broken - C. Stevens


No Hard Feelings - The Avett Brothers

Simple Gifts - A. Kraus and Yo Yo Ma

If you have not seen the movie "Yesterday"
But message is a good one.


                                                    Let It Be - The Beatles

(Ok -One More Time)
One Fine Day - D.Byrne

The Layers - S. Kunitz


                                                             Matt 25: 35-40


Copyright 2021 JF Sobecki All Rights Reserved


                                                                         Matt 25: 35 - 40

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Songs of The Empty Boat - Reflections from Chesapeake bay

Since he judges no one
No one judges him
Such is the complete man
His boat is empty
- Chang Tzu

We are all part of human society
So the purpose of our lives is not to make trouble
but to serve others in any way we can.
We are all driven by self-interest to some extent
but cultivating concern for others is
a wise way of fulfilling our own self-interest
- The 14th Dalai Lama


The Songs of the Empty Boat
(Reflections from Chesapeake Bay)

The vagabond's lament of being stuck inside of Mobile
Rings true about the constructs that have been force fed
By the greedy leaders and false soap box prophets.
Still rivers continue to flow filling the sea
Returning to clouds and rain 
To fill the streams and rivers.
Yet the cost to enter that Magic Kingdom
Is one big contrived plot to ensure only wrist-banded souls
Are welcomed through the golden gates..
How does one spend the gifted 1440 ... so many wasted moments.
Madman continue the promulgated commandments
Most which have been found to be redundant.
The Judges tell us not to judge.
Podium and pulpit prognosticators teach right and wrong
And that those who are on the right side are the ones eligible
To have their tickets punched.
Carnies proclaim that ringing the bell
Is only half the battle as the carousel and brass rings await.
Disciples of Mason and Dixon continue to contrive borderlines.
While wanderers and mystics continue to search for monasteries of solitude
In valleys along the razor's edge.
Monastic mantra carried by the loving wind whispers for ears to hear,
"We sweep up the leaves that have fallen but we do not hate the trees
For dropping them."
Leaving the casino empty handed
The troubadour wails
"Whatever ever happened
To ' Love all , Serve All' "?
Settling in as the sun's last blood orange glow rests on the bay
He meditates on the empty boat just off the shoreline,
Sacred serenity soothes the spirit
Being is -  being present , loving all and letting go.

- JF Sobecki


The mayor once was quoted as saying ,
"Why is it that we blame our problems on the poor and marginalized or those who look or believe differently? How can one pick themselves up from their boot straps when they don't have any boots to wear?"


The Songs - ( a setlist that played while the blog was pieced together)

" The only truth is music blends with the great universe and we forget the brain beat."
                       - J. Kerouac

" Silence is the canvas for music and the result is evidence of the divine."

Wristband - P. Simon

In My Life - J. Collins (Lennon and McCartney)

Love and Mercy -  B. Wilson

( So appropriate - Children singing this classic)

Higher Love - S. Winwood

Watching the Wheels- John Lennon

Murder in The City - The Avett Brothers

Memory Lane - V. Morrison

Wasted Days - J. Mellencamp/ B. Springsteen

One Word Peace - Subdudes

Here Me Lord - G. Harrison

Stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues - B. Dylan

Across the Universe - The Beatles


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved - JF Sobecki LLC

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Motion

"I'm a dark horse

Running on a dark race course

I'm a blue moon

Since I stepped out of the womb

I've been a cool jerk

Looking for the source

I'm a dark horse"

- Dark Horse , G. Harrison

"We have a tendency to think in terms of doing and not in terms of being.We think when we are not doing anything are wasting our time.

But that is not true. Our time is first of all to be.

To be what? To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving.And that is what the world needs most"

 - Thich Nhat Hanh


The Motion

Some say seasickness is self sabotage.

The perpetual perplexed pilgrim was presented to the great teacher.

"A sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind ( the breath of the great divine),"

Whispered the wonder-filled wiseman.

Sometimes it is not the storms that frighten us

But the constant rising and lowering of the magnificent

Seemingly uncontrollable waves,

Rocking and severely heeling fragile unprepared vessels.

Stomachs churn inside out while scaring the most adventurous of spirits.

Healthy tolerance of ambiguity and reasonable locus of control

Get lost on Homo Sapiens focused on worldly promises of "success"

By abiding to a preprogrammed plotted course - come hell or high water.

The best charted passages and the most scientific analytics

Of future forecasts and anticipations are often at best "wish lists."

Not knowing and the worry about what's next fuel 

The flames of fear and self doubt.

Leading weak egos to the wearing of masks 24/7.

It has never been about what one does,

What one has accumulated or not or one's 

Desires or accomplishing long term goals.

Isn't it about how you do what you do,

Turning the page the message is clear

"You don't need a reason to help people."

A companion once confided that the more love

One gives to others is the best way to honor their own journey.

The experienced navigators and scientific prognosticators 

Sometimes might volunteer and become defensive about their imperfection.

Futurists craft visions in their anticipation

But their calculations and projected forecasts

Are never quite one hundred percent accurate.

Homo sapiens are not as bright as we say they are .

How significant is it that  Hemingway may have reported disdain

About the fog he encountered and getting off course sailing 

From Key West to Cuba?

The tide comes in and out.

No need to get seasick . Panic helps no one.

Be grateful, authentic and precisely who we are

Meant to be.

Savor the sanctifying serenity that is ever-present 

Even if we get shaken by the motion

And remain constant sandpipers .

                             - JF Sobecki


Sandpipers - Cathleen Engelsen


Just The Motion - R. Thompson

Wasted on The Way - Crosby,Stills and Nash

Doctor My Eyes - J Browne

Will People Ever See It  - G. Harrison

What Makes a Good Life - R.Waldinger

Til I Die 0 Beach Boys

Beware of Darkness - G. Harrison

A Labor Day Song (  for all who work  - and my dad R.I.P.)

Factory - B.Springsteen


Copyright JF Sobecki LLC 2021 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Caesura and The Enjambments : 13th Anniversary of The Second Chance Dance


"My cousin has great changes coming...someday he'll wake with wings.

My cousin as you see
Takes his changes so easily
O happy we
Could take each change so easily..."

- Cousin Caterpillar, Incredible String Band


Caesura and The Enjambments

Well, they say it took Ulysses ten years to get back
To where he once belonged,
Something Sergeant Pepper could not achieve.
For a wandering wounded soldier and unwed father
It would be a year locked down in ascetic solitude
For Ignatius to wake.
Sometimes constant busyness
Becomes the master distraction ,
A rationalization in believing attachments,
Rewards and material worldly goals
As the promised treasures of paradise.
Lives can easily become one big run on sentence.
Lost in the maize of the promise of identifying purpose
Pilgrims and the ignorant wander barren desserts aimlessly
Searching for the lost land of milk and honey.
No oasis discovered , only mirages.
Whatever happened to calm and deliberate?
What ever happened to pausing 
Allowing the peace to wash away the grime
Cleansing the spirit allowing one to become
Precisely who the divine intended ?
One's who preach their own self perfection,
Charlatans in sheep's clothing,
Keep themselves at bay from the barricades of heaven.
No thing stays the same.
No thing is perfect.
No algorithm, navigation system, spread sheet
Or the best laid plans can accurately predict.
Carefully positioned dominoes don't always fall
As designers and players anticipate.
Therapists and patients believe
Personal control is possible.
Can we really learn from the Venetians and
Their belief that the rising ocean can be restrained?
Sometimes the tiniest and grand events alike as well as
People of all types and sizes
Influence which road to take or what rabbit hole to go down.
Sometimes that mystical spiritual energy gives birth
To that caterpillar who might become that butterfly
Flapping her wings, that would start a breeze, 
Becoming the wind moving the chimes to sing,
A song whispering the truth 
While refreshing the pilgrim who had paused
To be mindful while letting go.
Many mystics , poets and a few songwriters appreciate
the power of the pausing , presence and hope.

And so it was thirteen years ago
The Pilgrim's Odyssey
Was about to blow up his plans when
He found himself crippled retreating into a pause.
His true companions lowered him through the roof.
His heart healed and mercy washed across his spirit.
And, he flew away.

          - JF Sobecki


The Way Through The Woods - R. Kipling ( R. Fiennes)

Isn't it a Pity-Take 27  (2020 remix) G. Harrison

Cleveland Heart - J.Browne

Cousin Caterpillar - Incredible String Band

The Holy Longing - Goethe

Hope For the Flowers - Trina Paulus
A story for Caterpillars, pilgrims and children of all ages

July 1 - Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Anniversary of the Pilgrim's Healing 7/1/2008

"Teach me to be generous, to serve as you deserve, to give and not count the cost, to fight and not heed the wounds, to toil and not seek for rest, to labor and not to look for any reward, save that of knowing I am doing your will."

 - St. Ignatius of Loyola

(Thank you to the companions - Dan, Lou, Tom, Gerry, Bill, Ed, Bob, Dick, Carolyn, Herb, Kirk and Pete)


Copyright 2021 JF Sobecki LLC All Rights Reserved

Coda: Even Jersey bar bands and their singers need a Caesura
From "Eddie and The Cruisers"
(and Thank God for English Majors!)